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Monday, August 31, 2020

House bill would block rioters from coronavirus unemployment benefits

A House Republican introduced a bill Friday that would make those convicted of violence, looting or vandalism in connection with a protest ineligible for enhanced coronavirus unemployment benefits.
The “Support Peaceful Protest Act” would also make rioters “financially liable for the cost of federal policing,” according to the bill, which is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind.
“If you’re convicted of a crime that caused more manpower and law enforcement officers to deal with it, then perhaps you should be on the hook to pay for that,” Banks told WIBC-FM in Indianapolis.
Banks said he introduced the bill the day after an older couple who are his constituents were harassed by protesters while leaving President Trump’s nomination acceptance speech at the White House on Thursday evening.


  1. My God...CONgress continue to play God regardless of political affiliations. We voted those don't dongs in to serve us, not what they believe is good. $25+ Trillion CONgress, what you believe in blows. This bill helps a very small portion rather than the masses.

    How about pass something, that the Senate will and go to the Prez to sign which benefits ALL. If not, move the eff over for someone who will.


  2. Looking at these rioters that get arrested, they seem to all be felons anyway. Why should we be paying felons to riot?

  3. Two problems with this; first getting out of the house, second getting Dem run hell holes to prosecute these domestic terrorists to disqualify them.

  4. Great bill. I bet AOC and her socialist Squad will vote against it, those rioters are their buddies and partners in crime.

  5. Ever notice that the bills that make the most sense are proposed by Republicans? I support this one whole heartedly!

  6. say what

    I will calls Reverend 📞 Jackson on dis

  7. Crank out some more SJW lawyers.

  8. You had to have had a job at some point for unemployment. This is like telling fish if they swim they'll be denied dry land.

  9. They should loose all government benefits and subsidies.


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