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Friday, August 21, 2020

Hogan approves Board of Elections' plan on voting sites in November

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WBFF) - Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan issued a proclamation today allowing the Board of Elections to move forward with its plan for the November presidential election.

“I remain very concerned that the Board’s decision to close nearly 80% of the polls will have the potential of creating long lines and unsafe conditions, with crowds of people being forced into too few polling places," Hogan said in a letter sent to the Board.



  1. If polls are closed, walmart "must" be closed by law. Shut this state done completely hogan, you FAT ASS RINO PIECE OF SHIT !!!!

  2. The post below has a good point , we allow 150 people in the grocery store , but don't allow people to vote at the polls . Now with only 20% of the polls open more people will congregate , another far left move for mail in votes , sick a$$ people.

  3. How about condemning Cecil county canidate for executive for fraud?? Danielle Hornberger got caught falsifying Election documents and harvesting ballots. Her husband is a delegate that used to be Andy Harris aid. These are the CORRUPT POS we allow into office. It will happen here as well.

  4. This is most stupid and irresponsible decision ever. So now we are going to ignore social distancing and take away the right and access to vote. Socialism is truly here. What the heck else are they using the schools for. Guess they will have to extend the poll times or face a revolt. Hogan has truly lost his mind and is truly a Democrat

  5. Then force them to open up..seems you you have no problem dictating to us what to do

  6. This is so dumb. What they should be doing is double the amount of voting centers to spread people out enough to reduce the crowds.

    By reducing the amount of voting centers there will be HUGE crowds at each of the polling places which will increase the risk of COVID-19 spread.

    It just doesn't make any sense to coral the people into fewer places than spread them out.

    I am thinking this may be a ploy to help the Dems. We know that many of the ballads that vote for Trump will get "lost" in the mail. By forcing the voting booths to be crowded it will discourage people from going out to Vote or to get people to vote by mail to help the Dems cheat their way into the Presidency.

  7. Hey Hogan, How about asking Church's if they would be willing to host Voting Booths, and give them something back? Please don't say it Violates Church and State because COVID has already done that this year! The Church's could use what ever funding you could offer them and probably have no problem housing the booths.

  8. Making it hard for people to vote because the liberal state is moving voting places further away from them... this sounds familiar. Folks write it down and photo the articles put in safe keeing for grand children and all children because the left will rewrite history and blame it on the alright. Remember waiting in LINE at SAMS CLUB is safe just not anywhere else.

  9. He is so concerned that he agrees to it. Hogan thinks that if he can help get Biden/Harris in the White House it will be such a disaster that he will have a good chance in 2024. Far left already have a solution with refugee and alien program. Good example is the radical representing the district in Minneapolis.

    1. hogan won't be around in 2024, cancer cells are still in his brain, can't you tell by his decisions 8:34

  10. Make Election Day a long weekend. Open polls sat-mon. Give people more than 1 day to get there so there isn’t the need to congregate in large groups. There are plenty of options instead of mail.

    Just think...if you have a trump sign in your yard you may want to take it down now, postal union backs Democrats. If you have a liberal mailman, what’s stopping him/her from throwing your ballot which is clearly marked on the outside in the trash instead of making sure it gets mailed?

  11. Proof again that Hogan, aka Hitler, is not a Republican but a true blue Democrat socialist.

    Another ANTI-TRUMP move on his communist agenda.

    Hogan wants to agree to closing these places is voter tampering and prohibiting voters to vote because of the extra travel time.

    Hogan, aka Hitler should make these elections began 3 days prior and let people vote in person in a 3 day election.

    Hogan, aka Hitler cannot and will not guarantee the Counties will mailout ballots far enough in advance to guarantee someone has time to receive, fillout and mail back before deadline.

  12. Counties should set up drive through polling places (like the PRMC flu shot clinic), people drive up, show id, get a ballot, pull up vote and then hand in the ballot, as they leave.

  13. 10:30am I have that exact situation at our house. I get mail from the Trump campaign and although I don't have Trump signs, we have 3 American flags in our yard. This vote by mail is the biggest F U to the people.

  14. If you can stand in line at Wal-Mart then you can Vote at polling place.

  15. lol, you guys are pathetic. You were all over Hogan's dick a year or two ago. As soon as he says one slightly critical thing about Trump, you turn on him. How dare anyone say Daddy Trump might be wrong about something. Creepy as hell.

  16. To assist us as quickly and comprehensively as possible, please include the following information.

    NAME:Gary Bullard
    HOME ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE:30423 Bennett Rd Salisbury, MD 21804
    PHONE NUMBER: 443-523-0029

    Why Universal Mail In Voting Will Be A Disaster

    Just a few questions for everyone:

    When ballots are loaded onto mail carrier trucks, each postal carrier will have addressed ballots to be delivered to each box on his/ her route on one day. Is your carrier a Democrat, Republican, or a socialist?

    Is your carrier a Union member?

    Do you trust your carrier to deliver ALL your mail to your box and not keep back those ballots for his/ her own personal use?

    If you have a political yard sign in your yard or are flying a political flag your postal carrier disagrees with, will you get your baLLOT ON TIME, OR AT ALL?

    On especially rural routes, and even in neighborhoods, once ballots are put in mailboxes, do you trust all people to not follow the postal carriers and reap the ballots from mailboxes to take home and mark up as desired and mail them back in?

    If you didn’t get a ballot in the mail one day, you will just wait for the next day/ week, will you know in time to get a ballot?

    When you try to vote at the polls, what happens when you find out you already voted in by mail?

    When you DO get a ballot and mark it, do you trust ALL the postal workers along the way to get your ballot to the Board of Elections in time, or at all?

    If you win on a $20,000 scratch off ticket, will you sign the back, add your return address, and patiently await a check in the mail?

    I didn’t think so.

  17. Boss Hog says come to Hazard county & Roscoe P Coletrain & Daisy
    Dukes will guide you in to vote !!! LOL


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