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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Hillary Clinton Tells Joe Biden Not To Accept The Election Results If He Loses

According to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden will “eventually” win the 2020 election — or at least she believes so. In order for that to happen, however, Joe Biden must not accept the election results if things “drag out.” Specifically, Clinton thinks Biden “should not concede under any circumstances.”

“If it’s a close election — like say Biden ‘wins’ — what do you think Trump will do?” Jennifer Palmieri asked the former secretary of state and failed 2016 presidential candidate on an episode of Showtime’s “The Circus.”



  1. Hillary isn't actually a member of The Circus, she's a guest freak in the sideshow.

  2. Heard Hillary was holding the hands of underage girls while Bill was banging them! Welcome to Pedophile Island courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein!!

  3. The dems will probably "find" a few million mail in ballots after the election...

  4. You know, I don’t wish any ill on anyone. But it’s a shame this purr waste is sucking up fresh air, inhaling fresh and exhaling nasty odor in the zone.

  5. She just set the November narrative for the left. She is serious and she is just the first person to day it. The left will only accept one outcome, and that's Biden is the winner. Kinda reminds me of, let's see.... Wicomico County!!!

  6. WHEN he Loses & He WILL , he has NO choice in the matter !!! SEE YA !

    1. 7:21 pm. You are talking about Biden losing - right! If so, you will see Biden hanging on until the Democrats get ballots until he does. Don't worry about Trump - he isn't going anywhere. Trump🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  7. Well we all have seen how well it worked for her.lol

  8. We saw how that worked for her didn't we?

  9. Let's not forget We The People are fighting against Evil

    Hillary has a high Witch Ranking in the dark world.

    The Demons are being released in towns to riot, loot, murder and destroy by certain Democrats

  10. What she means is this -- we expect mail-in ballots to take several months to count.
    THIS is their strategy. DELIBERATELY delay the election.
    They care NOTHING about our republic. They care ONLY about the riches and treasure that comes with power. God help us if they ever get it.
    If biden loses, the "peaceful" protests going on now will make the post-election riots and violence a turning point in America.
    If the mail in ballots take months, what happens to the office of the President???
    You probably already know.
    The pansy-ace loser liberals look at biden's crowds (non crowds, really) and look at Trumps monstrous turnout and are trying to figure a way to beat Trump.
    It ain't gonna be with votes, so what can they do?
    Scream as loud as they can for mail-in ballots.

    But ammo every chance. It is not going to be pretty, unless you're thinking "pretty dangerous".

  11. There you go Dims, take all your advice from a LOSER!!!!!!!

  12. Put a Final Date & Time on Ballot count the same Week as the Winner
    so it can't be dragged out for weeks or months !!! SOLVED

  13. This tactic makes perfect since coming from a democrat.

  14. What does she mean by IF he loses? I guess he needs to be led by the hand on what to do.

  15. Because if the new bill on Releaf for the post office passes it has a thing in there to continue to count late mail in ballets and deliver the final count for the winner by December 31.

  16. Hmmm.. Bigger Picture. Sounds as if someone wants another job.

    Oh hell no!

  17. Throw Biden in Jail with his son Where they BELONG 2020 !!!!


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