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Monday, August 24, 2020

Here’s A List Of Corporations Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement

Dozens of corporations from around the world have collectively donated millions of dollars to left-wing organizations that advocate for defunding America’s police departments, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.

Companies including Microsoft, Intel and Airbnb have donated to Black Lives Matter Global Network and Color of Change, both of which want to defund police departments across the country.

Color of Change is leading a national petition campaign demanding elected officials “defund the police, and invest in communities now!”

“Policing is a violent institution that must end,” Color of Change President Rashad Robinson said after the Minneapolis City Council voted to “dismantle” its police department.



  1. It is a trick.
    The police enforce illegal Statutory Laws against the population.
    This imposes a lot of control over people on behalf of the elites.

    No way the elites are going to disband the police.
    Never gonna happen.

    Once the intel agent provocateurs create enough damage, they will militarize the police even more!

    The truth is the police are terrible.
    No matter what race one happens to be.
    It isn't about race and they know it.

  2. 8:25. Well if they are so terrible, don’t ever accept any assistance from them. I don’t care if it’s just on the road where you have a disabled vehicle in a dark area. And it can happen with a new vehicle. The list is long and could happen to you at anytime even though you don’t think so. Again, if you need help don’t forget to tell them they are terrible and bug off.

  3. You know... if y'all had done the right thing back during the civil rights movement, you wouldn't have to deal with BLM now.

  4. If you see or hear and company that throws money at trash. Just boycott and forget about them as if they were Goodyear.

  5. 919 only call them for petty crap cause that’s all they are good for. They’ll take a report that’s it. Solve a crime? Ain’t gonna happen. Kops are here to protect the government and political class from us. You all are on ur own!

  6. 8:25 reminds me of atheists. They all HATE GOD. Then they walk into a store being robbed. A gun is put to their BRAINDEAD head. The first thing they say??


  7. 9:19 I'll bet you're one who refuses to wear a mask. So don't seek medical attention if you contract COVID. See how your stupid logic goes both ways?

  8. The NFL owners donated $50 million to BLM, which immediately gets funneled to the DNC. BOYCOTT THE NFL!!!

  9. You stupid asses are GOING TO HAVE POLICE regardless if you like it
    or not, so this nonsense needs to STOP !!!

    Police are NOT going anywere , but these Criminals in the country are
    It's called Jail & Prison !!!

    Police budgets will be going UP Not Down , & those officials who try
    to cut it will be going to JAIL !!! As soon as the election is over !!!


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