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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

“He Was Not Very Smart Before He Became Incapacitated. He Was Always Kinda Dumb. Now He’s Clearly Cognitively Impaired.” – Rudy Giuliani on Joe Biden’s Alzheimer’s

Judge Jeanine spoke about how ‘Bunker Biden’ ignored the violence going on in city streets around the nation at the recent DNC. She invited former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on to discuss.

Rudy shared that Biden paid no attention to the Democrat cities that are up in flames which shows Biden has no intention of fixing it. He also shared that when you don’t deal with small amounts of violence in cities, the violence becomes greater. This is why Democrat cities are in such danger.

Then Rudy mentioned Democrat candidate Joe Biden’s physical and mental decline. (Note that we provided evidence from a review of videos of Biden using AI that indicate Biden’s cognitive decline and possible early stages of Alzheimer’s yesterday as well.) Rudy shared:

He was not very smart before he became incapacitated. He was always kinda dumb. Now he’s clearly cognitively impaired. I have a podcast out right now with two prominent doctors that say that it is clear that he has something beyond a mild case of either Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia.”



  1. If he can't pass What SHOULD be a Required Physical then he should be

    DISQUALIFIED , just like anyone else trying to get a job !!!

    Maybe this is even the Democrat's PLAN , to have him step down &
    give his spot to Harris , to begin with !!! Be Warned !!!

  2. Forgive me if I don't take any advice from the crazies.

    1. 11:16 am. If you don't think Biden has a mental problem then you are the problem.

      Please take note that when Biden isn't reading from a script and on TV that Jill is always by hishhis side holding his hand. When he doesn't respond to normal reactions to his environment Jill rubs his hand and he immediately perks up. It is so obvious.

  3. "I've done some dumb things, I'll do dumb things again" - Joe Biden (after he was caught plagiarizing decades ago)

  4. 11:16

    I agree with you, I don't listen to any dumbocrats either.

  5. As someone who is clinically familiar with dementia and alzheimers, Bidens actions,demeanor and unscripted
    speech clearly show cognitive decline.

  6. 2:55
    Come on, man! Are you a junkie?

    Vote for me for Senate!

  7. Biden was always an idiot.

    Now he is an idiot with dementia.

    So what does that say for the IQ of any of you that would vote for him?

    He is counting on dumb asses to vote for him.

    Look in your mirror and improve your IQ if you can, most of you cant.

  8. Most true thing I've ever heard!

  9. 2 term Limits for ALL congress & Supreme Court so these Idiots are
    Not Sponging off America for 40 years like Biden !!!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: How can those who support him and display their lawn signs be so oblivious to his obvious decline? When I see one of his signs, which is rare even in this Marxist loving area, I sort of halfway laugh with disgust at their obvious stupidity. I believe that Marxist democrats believe in the party dogma as though it were a religion. No proof or facts required, just believe.


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