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Monday, August 03, 2020

Governor Hogan Issues Emergency Order to Prohibit Blanket School Closures

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today issued an amended emergency order ensuring that local schools and school systems retain the primary authority to initially determine when to safely reopen their facilities for in-person instruction based on public health guidance. Read the governor’s order.

Under an order issued April 5, local health departments continue to have the authority to close any individual facility deemed to be unsafe.

After signing the amended order, Governor Hogan issued the following statement:

“The recovery plan for Maryland public schools stresses local flexibility within the parameters set by state officials. Over the last several weeks, school boards and superintendents made their own decisions about how and when to reopen public schools, after consultation with state and local health officials.

“Private and parochial schools deserve the same opportunity and flexibility to make reopening decisions based on public health guidelines. The blanket closure mandate imposed by Montgomery County was overly broad and inconsistent with the powers intended to be delegated to the county health officer.

“To be clear, Maryland’s recovery continues to be based on a flexible, community-based approach that follows science, not politics. As long as schools develop safe and detailed plans that follow CDC and state guidelines, they should be empowered to do what’s best for their community.

“I want to thank all the parents, students, and school administrators who have spoken out in recent days about this important issue.”


  1. I don't get it is covid an issue or not. We have to wear masks. Even on the boardwalk. Threat to close bars and restaurants. Can't go to a movie. Gyms? A mask. All kinds of rules. Yet schools can open up with no issues. If they want us to take covid serious someone needs to get their story straight. Is it an issue or not. If our schools can open with no worries then so can everything else.

  2. Complete gobbledegook. A tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing ..An alternate reality..

  3. They postponed high school fall sports ... that’s unbelievable those poor kids

  4. So more lack of cohesion, lack of at least a state plan - let everyone do what they want?

    Crazy times indeed!

    No plan from leadership, just everyone fend for themselves....we know that will never work.

  5. get your kids out of the psycho wards called wicomico county schools!
    screw the teachers union and their do nothing leaders, like hanlan and briggs!

  6. Now he is pandering to the Dems in Montgomery county

  7. Private and home school choices will flourish and union teachers will become extinct.

  8. So Montgomery County School Board does not have the local authority to open schools.

    But all other School Boards do have the authority. So long as their decision is in agreement with the Governor and his financiers.

    Got it

  9. Please go away Hogan

  10. Marc Elrich just got smacked down...that's gonna sting

  11. 3:16 - The county executive (Marc Erlic) imposed a mandate yesterday regarding private schools. Hogan was correct in slapping this down today, and he has further reiterated that local school systems and private schools (in conjunction with local health departments) can make their decisions. I do not often agree with the Gov., but he is correct in this instance.



  12. So we inherited a dictator as co ex? Maybe we should hold onto our property taxes until we get things in order.

  13. No, larry, the local school unions took your new lockdown order and forced the schools to stay closed until they could extort more money from us, something that tickles your innards like nothing else. You are determined to keep the lockdown until the elections are over, something that is SO OBVIOUS that YOU will be responsible for a second term which will Keep America Great Again!

    You Richardhead.

  14. And the Democrats went one step further and told the Health Officer to make his decision for him.

    The Civil War is pending.


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