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Sunday, August 09, 2020

Governor Hogan: Hurricane Isaias

“With a chance Hurricane Isaias could have an impact on mainland Maryland and the Eastern Shore, the state is preparing.

While it's too early to tell exactly how the hurricane will affect Maryland, the Maryland Emergency Management Agency has activated its pre-landfall planning team, this as the state deals with the coronavirus.

Emergency officials said we're in a whole new territory when it comes to staying safe not only from the storm, but the virus as well.

‘We absolutely expect at a minimum, minimum to have winds along the Eastern Shore as well as rip currents among potential other hazards,’ said Chas Eby, deputy director of MEMA.

Eby said the pre-landfall planning team works with local governments to determine what they might need.

‘It does have an effect on how we plan for our operations such as potential sheltering or a evacuations as well as just preparedness that people can take it home,’ Eby said.

As of 2 p.m. Friday, Isaias remained a Category 1 hurricane passing over the Bahamasz. ...

The eye of the storm is forecast to be off the coast of Ocean City by early Tuesday morning.”


  1. No hurricane is going to affect Maryland this week. It is a tropical storm, and a weak one at that.

  2. Order everyone to wear rain gear and lock down order. Obviously stay indoors and do not leave unless Walmart during a hurricane is common sense. Hogan please do a lock down hurricane order NOW. Close business

  3. Finally a more diverse name that represents the Robust area it originated. That with proper segregation based on race and removal of nuclear families we will prosper

    1. @1:18 you sound like a Satan worshipper

  4. Let’s hope they don’t intensify this storm
    We have plenty of hardship without a hurricane to worry

    1. How does someone intensify a storm?

  5. I hope we have any news other than FATHEAD talking his jibberish.

  6. Good! The "hurricane" will change all the air on the Eastern shore and the rain will wash all the carnival virus away! No more worries for us!

    1. You obviously have an excellent grasp of meteorology and epidemiology.

  7. Seed the incoming torrential rain with heavy alcohol,which is 80% alcohol and 20% water to kill the Covid.Covid can be controlled if it is treated before it reaches humans.Converted 747's should be adequate for the alcohol drop/ spread.Dropped from 10,000 feet should be adequate.

    1. 6:10
      Good try
      But you already know they are seeding clouds WITH the bioweapon. That is how fisherman who are at sea 35 days come back with COVID

  8. Is isn't even a hurricane at the moment..we'll get noreaster winds and some much needed rain.

  9. I want Trump to declare martial law and open the entire country back up.

  10. It's only your money and Democrats love to spend it - only Hogan is a Republican - Not - a RINO!

  11. OMG

    we are now going to die from a cold

    no, now we are going to die from this storm

  12. What I seen is the eye will cross Baltimore / DC and the Eastern Shore will be on the right side with all the possible damage due to winds and rain.

    So who is right Governor Hitler or the weather channels?

  13. Wear your mask in the rain is kinda like water boarding but keep it on.

  14. I’m going to call the cdc and ask them what I should do.

    1. My guess is they’ll say vote for Biden.

  15. Self important politicians talk just to hear themselves. If you're a career politician or bureaucrat you should be embarrassed for you ilk. We don't really need your useless "leadership".
    A waste of good money.
    Managing to your own level (lower) than that of your constituents should be grounds for removal.
    Hopefully the pandemic will reorder the intellectual hierarchy

  16. Self important politicians talk just to hear themselves. If you're a career politician or bureaucrat you should be embarrassed for you ilk. We don't really need your useless "leadership".
    A waste of good money.
    Managing to your own level (lower) than that of your constituents should be grounds for removal.
    Hopefully the pandemic will reorder the intellectual hierarchy

  17. I’m going to Sams Club and get in line for hours because it’s always the smart thing to do. And very safe. Absolutely love supporting Communist government of China they treat their own people so good. Think I’ll buy two TVs tomorrow and a few dozen T-shirts just because their next to the TVs and probably huge back of sodium filled hot dogs. But my doc with give me medication to help the sodium levels and it’s made in China. Awesome I will support the country that forced me to wear a mask and buy if from them. Joe Biden is right China are good folks, Folks! Seriously!! Russia is our threat. Remember without China we wouldn’t have NBA.

  18. Thanks you comrade Hogan , hiel hogan .

  19. will he call state of emergency and tell everyone to wear their mask while out in public

  20. Joe, I know this is off topic, but did you hear anything about a gang fight at the Centre of Salisbury on Saturday. I was told there big fight at the food court and there was destruction. Nothing was reported in the news about this.
    Police were called to break up the fights.

  21. 9:18 aw you'll be okay snowflake. Be strong.

  22. "Dont worry, as long as you are wearing your mask, covid wont be your cause of death... unless you die, and we call your cause of death covid." - Larry Hogan

  23. " Anonymous said...
    Finally a more diverse name that represents the Robust area it originated. That with proper segregation based on race and removal of nuclear families we will prosper

    August 2, 2020 at 1:18 PM"

    Drop the "Robust." I know you heard Fauci and others saying it and because you have no self worth or self esteem you THINK it makes you intelligent to use that word. It's being overused now by every imbecile trying to make their insignificant useless selves feel important. The name is asinine and anyone who thinks differently is a waste of space on this earth. You are so dumb you probably fell for the nonsense 'diversity is our strength.' Nothing could be more wrong. Strengths are made by people having the SAME values, goals and most importantly morals. Do the world a real favor and when you died be sure to leave your body with science so it can be determined if you actually do have a brain and why it does't work. This will the the only thing positive you will have ever contributed to society.

  24. Thank You Comrade Hogan for Scaring people of Maryland to death, yet again. It's obvious Hogan is Promoting more Fear and using Scare Tactics. Yes, we will get some rain, and maybe few new real Covid cases, so stay home because Lockdown Larry said so. It is painfully obvious Larry has bad case of TDS and with 3 months before presidential election is on every MSM channel critizing Trump and sucking up to crooked Democrats, including Dementia Joe Biden. Lockdown Larry is a Sellout and RINO and should change the party immediately! Put letters SC behind his name, for Socialist Comrade. I hear the phone ringing Larry, is that Pelosi calling with new orders?!

  25. iam just waiting for what dan says

  26. f off larry so tired of your bs! just stfu and go away! we dont give a shit about you or anything you have to say!

  27. If we are required to wear our "mask" outside when it's raining it's tail off. Wouldn't that mean that Governor Hogan has essentially water boarded all of us? Can be be charged with torture for the entire state? Just sayin.

  28. 1047
    Great point.
    I couldn't figure out how the fishermen were getting Coronavirus while out at sea.
    From who were they getting it?

  29. There never was a high level in Maryland - it was Hogan's plan. Now that he is our hero πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we all need to go out and vote him for President πŸ–•πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  30. It should have been seeded with disinfectant via 747 delivery.Imagine how much land could have been covered & how much Covid could have been eliminated.

  31. Baltimoe Pat CrouseAugust 10, 2020 at 6:18 AM

    We they close schools for this ????


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