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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Glenn Beck apologizes to Trump: 'He proved me wrong at almost every turn'

Talk radio host Glenn Beck on Thursday issued a public mea culpa for fiercely opposing President Trump in 2016 and warning on air that Mr. Trump was an aspiring despot.
Mr. Beck said Mr. Trump proved him wrong on nearly every count, not only by keeping his seemingly impossible campaign promises but more importantly by displaying deep humanity.
“I am feeling so humbled this week. I feel truly horrible for the things I said and believed in 2016 about @realDonaldTrump,” Mr. Beck said in a series of tweets.
He sent out the apology as Mr. Trump prepared to accept the nomination for another term at the Republican National Convention.
Mr. Beck, who runs the conservative media empire TheBlaze TV, said in 2016 that opposing Mr. Trump was a “moral, ethical choice.”“He proved me wrong at almost every turn,” he wrote in the apology tweets, noting that Mr. Trump delivered on a pro-life agenda, completely supporting Israel and standing up to China.
“I knew he loved his children and they him,” he said. “What I failed to see, is the reason I think they love him. @realDonaldTrump is a loud New Yorker with a private heart.”


  1. I used to like Glenn Beck when on Fox news. But somewhere along the line he lost some marbles. At least he has the BALLS to admit he was wrong.

  2. So, Glenn, I used to be an avid listener and watcher of your content UNTIL you became a never Trumper.

    I don't listen to you any more. How's your ratings Glenn?

  3. Two that I miss from Fox news are Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, wish they were both back on. I would not miss however if they removed Juan, and Donna Brazille can't stand either one.


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