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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Fired for Calling Transgender Student ‘She,’ Teacher Goes to Court

Peter Vlaming has two great passions—teaching and French.

But a Virginia school district stripped the French teacher of the ability to impart these passions in high school classrooms when it fired him for not using pronouns preferred by a transgender student.

“I explained to my principal that I couldn’t in good conscience pronounce masculine pronouns to refer to a girl,” Vlaming told The Daily Signal in an interview for this special video report. “He gave me an official written reprimand that said it was the first step in a process that would lead to my termination.”



  1. OH, GEEZ! I remember my Latin teacher at Bennett telling a guy that "If your belly gets any bigger, we'll have to cut the desk away!"...

  2. Isn't that what they want to be called when it is a guy dressed as a girl? A she??? Now if you even call them what they want, you get fired lol See, damned if you do and damned if you don't... Maybe next time try standing up with the rest of us and fight back against this shit... In Canada, they have a law or will pass one, that if you knowingly call someone that dresses like a girl and call them a he, him, or man, you will go to jail for at least 1 year!!! And since this is being forced on us, you are going to slip up at least a few times until this crap has been aroud for a while, but guess you will be in jail!!!!

  3. Hope she wins big time and they fire everyone involved.

    1. Did you just use a feminine pronoun to describe the chick who thinks she's a dude? You are obviously a bigot. Shame on you.

  4. 4:47 i hope you grow up grow a brain and move out of your moms basement, but i wont hold my breathe. But yes i agree that the she / he should be expelled and the staff who participated in this demented delusion of gender fluididity need to be fired and blacklisted. There i fixed it for you.

  5. Oh canada...Cant wait to see the first case of arrest after not calling a mental patient by their preferred pronoun goes to court

  6. When it does go to court thats when medical records birth cert etc and THAT PESKY SCIENCE that tards care so much about, PROVES THAT THE offended mental patient is incompentent and a LIAR.

  7. Hope he sues the school and takes home bank. The teacher not the mental patient.. (FTP).##$$ the progressives

  8. What an absolute stupid world we live in right now.

  9. Back in the day . . .

    Into the locker went the sissy. . . .

    And we all laughed and laughed.

    No homos in my high school



  10. 6:56 yes and it still goes on today. If You think a law is going to force people to comply with abnormal behavior? Good luck but decades of luciferian influences have erased any sense of truth. So When they were in the closet. most did not cared what went on behind closed doors. But since shoving it it our faces it gets annoying fast. Don't you know you can't fool mother nature? So I don't care what you call it how you dress it. The bible, biology and science cannot be disputed in this fact!

    The rose is a rose,
    And was always a rose.
    But the theory now goes
    That the apple’s a rose,
    And the pear is, and so’s
    The plum, I suppose.
    The dear only knows
    What will next prove a rose.
    You, of course, are a rose –
    But were always a rose.


  11. OK, so somehow some have decided that confused individuals have a right to be called whatever they choose, whether it conforms to reality or is a made up word.

    Life is often a see-saw.

    How about the right of another individual not to be forced to engage in verbal or written communication which contradicts reality just to soothe the ego of the confused.

    And who invented the pronoun buffet?

    Next step is self-styled proper nouns and titles. Mulling if I want to be addressed as Excellency, Baron, Chieftain, Illustrious Commenter, etc.

  12. When we refer to a person by a pronoun, we don't stop and ask them what genitals they have.

    We tend to refer to them as how they present.

    If this teacher had not previously known this student, he would have had no issue with, and would have called this student as he/him.

    Who cares? Be charitable and kind to people. That would include transgenders having charity with other also that get it wrong every now and then.

    I watched the whole video... I feel like we only got one side of this story, a firing seems extreme considering the story he was telling. Regardless, I don't think anyone should be compelled into speech. You don't get fired for speech, but you can get fired for antagonizing and acting poorly.

    It's heartbreaking, none the less.

  13. So a man thinks he is a woman. Now, because he has not addressed his mental health issues the world is expected ignore what is obvious and play along with his illness or risk severe penalties.


  14. Sorry; Bruce Jenner is still Bruce Jenner even though he has mental issues.


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