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Monday, August 31, 2020

Extremism at Kenosha ‘Justice for Jacob’ Rally: ‘If You Kill One of Ours, It’s Time for Us to Kill One of Yours’

A man who addressed the “Justice for Jacob” rally in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Saturday declared: “If you kill one of ours, it’s time for us to kill one of yours.”

Several prominent leaders were present at the otherwise peaceful rally, including Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes (D).

Protesters march with the family of Jacob Blake during a rally against racism and police brutality in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on August 29, 2020. – Demonstrations have been ongoing since Jacob Blake was shot by Kenosha Police officer Rusten Sheskey on August 23. (Photo by STEPHEN MATUREN / AFP) (Photo by STEPHEN MATUREN/AFP via Getty Images)

Some militant activists, however, apparently participated in the rally: one carried a scimitar (see photo above and below, from Getty Images).

People dressed in black assemble before a march in honor of Jacob Blake and against racism and police brutality in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on August 29, 2020. – Demonstrations have been ongoing since Jacob Blake was shot by Kenosha Police officer Rusten Sheskey on August 23. (Photo by STEPHEN MATUREN / AFP) (Photo by STEPHEN MATUREN/AFP via Getty Images)

The Kenosha News described the event: “Several impassioned speakers — including Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes — took to the stage, and the crowd estimated between 1,000 and 2,000 joined in with that passion during a rally in support of Jacob Blake, the 29-year-old Kenosha man who was shot seven times last Sunday by Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey.”

However, one speaker went off “message,” the Kenosha News reported:



  1. BLM is not very good at math. Especially when we go 10 to their 1, it will be over fast.

  2. Bring it you’ve had it coming for a long time

  3. The problem is with these riots, antifa has already killed a few innocent people and done far worse damage to any shred of a good image that BLM had

  4. I hear the career criminal is paralyzed. Good! This tormentor and rapist of his ex-whatever's nightmare is over. He won't be chasing her down and abusing her anymore.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Mandela Barnes? Why is it I am thinking that he is not only a political hack but an agitator for the Black Lies Matter marauders. What I do not understand is how, in this country with demographics still in our favor, how one of them can get elected to positions of responsibility. What possibly could have happened to get someone like him elected?

  6. 11:01
    This person got elected in the same way our local swamp is trying to get the talking monkey Anderton elected.

  7. We don't have to kill ANY of yours. You people are doing a good enough job of that your damn selves. All we have to do is just sit and wait till you wipe yourselves out.

  8. @ September 1, 2020 at 11:01 AM . Thing is, if they did as good a job as they do running their mouth, it would be a different story.

  9. @September 1, 2020 at 11:38 AM, At least Anderton knows what he is doing. Not going in blind and thinking he has a brain. Barnes was relying on the only thing he had going. His color. And you all voted for him for just that reason. That IS racism.


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