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Saturday, August 01, 2020

Eating less, exercising more, and quitting alcohol and cigarettes could slash dementia rates by up to 40%, major study finds

Hundreds of thousands of people could ward off dementia by adopting a healthy lifestyle, a major study has found.

Some 40 per cent of cases could be avoided or delayed, a comprehensive review of the evidence concludes.

Eating less, exercising more, and cutting out alcohol and cigarettes significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia in later life, researchers said.



  1. Send this article to Hiden Biden

  2. But, but....no fun either.

  3. Well I'm blind now. Should have quit something else.

  4. I'm all for exercising and eating less (I do that anyway). But quitting booze & cigarettes?.....heh-heh, I'll have to get back to you on that one.

  5. I'd rather have dementia. What's that? Did I just think something? Wheelchairs, bedpans....WTF!


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