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Thursday, August 13, 2020

"Disastrous Economic Situation" - Small Firm Bust Goes Unnoticed As Economy Flounders

The virus-induced recession has resulted in deep economic scarring that will be seen for years. Tens of millions of Americans remain unemployed, broke, and hungry. US bankruptcies of large companies are on pace to hit a 10-year high, with even moredevastation seen among smaller firms.

The collapse of small business is absolutely shocking, considering firms with under 500 employees account for about 44% of US economic activity.

Bloomberg notes a "wave of silent failures goes uncounted in part because real-time data on small business is notoriously scarce, and because owners of small firms often have no debt, and thus no need for bankruptcy court."

"Probably all you need to do is call the utilities and tell them to turn them off and close your door," said William Dunkelberg, chief economist for the National Federation of Independent Business.

Dunkelberg warned: Small business closures "are going to be well above normal because we're in a disastrous economic situation."

Yelp's latest data on business activity shows more than 80,000 companies permanently shuttered operations from March 1 to July 25. What's concerning is that 60,000 of these closings were small firms.



  1. China HAD to stop Trump. They couldn’t stand it...

    Capitalism was going to kill their Communist regime.

    1. Nothing but the flu blown way out of proportion and blamed on china

  2. The first line of the story is wrong. It should say: The Dumbocrat with aid from China inducted recession...

  3. And china had help from the democratics 10:45..mark my words dem china collusion is real!!

    1. They’ve been sell China our secrets since Clinton remember Los Alamos

    2. 10:07
      “Our secrets”

      Do you have secrets?
      I don’t have secrets.

      Stop identifying yourself with a corrupt and criminal GOVERNMENT

      The US Government is evil and vile.
      It is attacking and murdering people.

  4. 10:07

    China has been a real threat ever since Bill Clinton gave them Loral missile guidance technology for a $10,000 campaign contribution.

    Look it up. Besides Slick Willie being a pervert and rapist, he's also a traitor.

    1. I remember it I also remember Al Gore going to China with hat in hand to pick up cash


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