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Saturday, August 15, 2020

"Democrats Are Holding This Up!" - Trump Rages After Ordering Mnuchin To Send $3,400 To US Families

With talks between Democrats and Republicans completely broken-down and the Senate off for a few weeks, it is clear that President Trump's frustration is boiling over (after his EOs) as he slams Pelosi et al. in a multi-tweet tirade... exclaiming multiple times - "DEMOCRATS ARE HOLDING THIS UP!"



  1. Very accurate. It is the Senate’s job to come up with a bill and negotiate any differences into a compromise.

  2. Again 3rd time this summer > Congress stays Home & gets Paid !!

    Oh , but they expect Us to go to work to get paid !!!

  3. Trump needs to ORDER the $$$$ to be Immediatley given to us NOW

    The Hell with Congress , he don't need them , nor do we !!!

  4. 1:53 You're an idiot! Their bill is loaded with so much crap that don't help the taxpayers, it's crazy. Just pass a bill that helps those in need and nothing more. The Kennedy Center doesn't need anymore curtains.

  5. Democrats want mail in voting to go with bill

  6. 1:53

    You Idiot! The Republican Senate told piglosi that the bill was DOA.

    She ignored then because she thinks she runs the world.

  7. The Demorats Bill was to give illegals stimulus money. Let illegals out of prison. Bail out all the Blue cities and state that allowed rioting and looting to the tune of almost a trillion dollars. Also money for mail in voting. None of this has anything to do with helping people because of Covid19.

  8. POTUS does have the Emergency Powers to CLOSE Congress & run
    the country without them !!! DO IT NOW & get Americans their $$$

  9. 1:53 Just pass the bill. You can read it later.


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