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Friday, August 21, 2020

Democrats are against Trump — but what are they for?

Watching the long slog of the second night of the Democrats’ convention, a famous Winston Churchill line came to mind: “Take this pudding away — it has no theme!”

Old and young, progressive and super progressive, left and far left, black, white, Asian, Latino, Native American — they all had something to say. But if there was a theme running through the night, I couldn’t find it.

Oh, yes, Donald Trump bad, got that. Really, really bad. OK, got that, too.

Then what? What do Democrats stand for and, more to the point, what are they promising voters if they gain the White House? I honestly don’t know.

I do know that, once again, they failed to address the violence erupting across the country, as if it isn’t happening. Or maybe they are afraid to criticize it because it will somehow come off as pro-police, which would infuriate the Black Lives Matter movement the party is embracing.

For whatever reason, Dems are ceding a huge issue to Trump, one that resonates across income, race and geographic boundaries. Public safety is a civil right and it matters to everyone.



  1. they are for nothing and nothing is what theve done the last 3 3/4 years. They are truly Pieces of Crap. ... waste of perfectly good oxygen.

  2. Other than Trump, they have no idea.

  3. They are for Nazi's / North Korea / China / Russia / Iran !!!!

  4. Ruining America > That's What they are For !!!

  5. Democrats are against My President Trump

    because President Trump is in the way of Democrats getting to me, and other Americans to kill us

    make no mistake.... they want to kill us.....

    Obama paved the way for them to do this

  6. Look at all the looting and killing around the country. That's what they are for.

  7. death of the mind body and soul!

  8. Nothing, after 3 days of the DNC the only reason given to vote for Biden was Orange man bad. 50 years in politics and they couldn't find one positive thing Biden has done.

  9. When they are Against Trump , they are also against us Americans !!!!

  10. We Voters still believe Gov BY the people NOT People BY the Govt !!!!

  11. Votors RULE !!! Not the Demon-crats !!!

  12. They are for themselves.


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