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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Democrat Leader Talcum X Calls for More Violence and Complete Dismantling of US Police after Last Night’s Kenosha Riots

It looks like things are back to normal since the DNC Convention last week in Wisconsin online.

The Future Democrats of America, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, torched another city and knocked out police with bricks on Sunday night.

And Democrat BLM mouthpiece Shaun King (talcum X), who is white, is back to calling for more violence.



  1. Not a democratic leader. Public figure.

  2. Notice how this website doesn't speak out when the Proud Boys call for violence or when the KKK endorses our sitting President.

    1. Exactly! All the articles on this blog are trying to create white people as victims. Some articles are blatant lies and others exaggerated to rile up the racists and because people live in generational racism or don’t fact check they believe it and live in fear. Joe never posts about corruption on the right of the lies Trump tells. It’s always about blacks and Democrats.

    2. 8:08 The KKK never endorsed Trump. That was debunked. Quigg however did endorse your boy Biden and Hillary back in 2016. And then there’s Hillary being endorsed by Robert Byrd. Lots of pics with him kissing her. Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn’t it 8:08? Here’s a hint before you spew bs. Fact check. Fact check. Fact check.

    3. 12:48. Another white blm wantabe cry me a river

  3. Sounds like Hitler and his Brown Coats
    Only i think he will find we won't go down so easily
    Last night proved it. We will defend ourselves,family, and business if the police can't or won't.
    As the Japanese learned. You are awakening the sleeping giant.
    It won't be pretty

  4. Shaun King is an idiot.

  5. What's going to happen is when the war starts. Fool's like this will become the hunted. WATCH!! They talk big and bad now. But like the 60's. When the White's have had enough?? Everyone is going to hurt.

  6. Naturally, he is a professor at Harvard. Any wonder why graduates are so anti American?

  7. If the drug addict Black's would obey a police officer DIRECTIONS. They might not get shot. In this environment POLICE work in. If blacks are too DUMB not to fight with police. Then they deserve to be shot.

  8. Hilarious

    Talcum X

    Really funny

  9. I don’t care if the entire Klan one by one endorses President Trump with their own video roll call. If they are citizens, then they are free to vote and tell us all about it. I would be more concerned about the voter registration drives that encourage illegal residents to sign up and vote often.

  10. I use talcum powder on my balls. Any jackass that calls himself Talcum X should never be listened to to begin with. What a joke a$$ clown.


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