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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Democrat Convention Dumpster Fire: Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren Speaks at DNC Native American Caucus Meeting

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren participated in the DNC’s Native American Caucus meeting on Tuesday.

The Commie Convention kicked off on Monday and it’s a total dumpster fire.

The Democrat Senator in Massachusetts lied about her Native American heritage to get ahead in life.

Warren’s registration card for the State Bar of Texas revealed Warren identified as an “American Indian.”



  1. It was bizarro world ... these people have severe mental illness

  2. They're all fake, liars and cheaters. All the dumbocrats are.

  3. Worse ratings in history

  4. What an incredible, insensitive insult.

  5. Didn't a DNA test prove she's 32% or so? Not saying that's a lot but it's something. It's not like she was the keynote speaker. With how few actual Natives are left, it's not nothin.

    1. No... She was 0.098 percent... which means she walked by a native American once, and some dna somehow got on her. (Sarcasm, in case you didn't pick up on that). She's just a flat out liar, and should be made to pay back all the entitlement benefits, such as tuition breaks, she was given her whole life by LYING.

  6. DNA tests proved 1/32,,,,,which is next to nothing,,,

  7. Now we have the dumbocrat ticket....


  8. 11:35 No DNA said she is 1/1000th of 1 per cent. And the average white person is 18/100th of 1 per cent. So apparently she has no native American blood in her. Just a lie like most all Democrats do to get ahead.


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