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Monday, August 24, 2020

Danbury, Connecticut names sewage plant after John Oliver

John Oliver dumped on the wrong Connecticut town.

The British comedian took the piss out of Danbury on his HBO show last week — so officials are naming the local sewage plant after him.

“We are going to rename it the John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant,” Mayor Mark Boughton said Saturday in a Facebook video.

“Why? Because it’s full of crap just like you, John.”

The move comes after the Aug. 16 episode of “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” in which the host explored the racial disparities in the jury selection process, citing problems in a few Connecticut towns.

He then randomly brought up Danbury, saying: “If you are going to forget a town in Connecticut, why not forget Danbury because — and this is true — f–k Danbury.”



  1. I had to Google the name John Oliver just to see who he was just goes to show just how much real Americans care about that dousche

  2. Never heard of the dude. Crappy way to be acknowledged though.

  3. What/who is a John Oliver??

  4. I would rather have a sewage plant named after me than be completely forgotten. Yes, it's a strange honor but an honor nonetheless.

  5. I thought that was a model of tractor in the 50's and 60"s like John Deere. Guess I should stay up later. Not.


  6. Next up: Official naming and bronze plaque installation for the Barrie-Jim-Jake WWTP. Ceremony will be held upwind of the plant.

  7. If you don't know who John Oliver is, that says more about you than it does John Oliver. Between The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight, the guy's been on national TV for last 14 years.

    I know you're all morbidly obese, but waddle across the room, pick up the remote, and turn on a channel that isn't Fox News.

    1. Well that explains it. I have never heard of the daily show or last week tonight. I haven’t watched that chit since Johnny Carson. How did you know I was fat and glued to fair and balanced. No need for you to waste time voting because I am going to waddle in and cancel you out. Go Trump!

  8. He used to be funny. Now he's not. He's the clown who said in 2016 that he'd send Trump a donation if he ran for President.

  9. I "honored" AOC by putting her campaign sticker on my trash can. I can relate to the attention given Oliver.

  10. 6:30
    We grew up with funny late night hosts. He's just not funny.


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