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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Coronavirus relief bills loaded with special interest, pet project spending

Pork is dead. Long live pork!

Congressional earmarks might technically be extinct, but lawmakers are still finding ways to gently steer money to their pet programs in the massive spending packages moving through Congress.

While lawmakers say money to fight COVID-19 is the overarching priority in spending debates, Congressisn’t above leveraging the coronavirus pandemic to secure extra money for their home districts or other special interests.

“They are going to, in many cases, take every opportunity to shove the cash to their favorite interests,” said Steve Ellis, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense. “In many cases, lawmakers know where the earmarks would have been, and they’ve plussed-up certain accounts or certain projects that would then likely benefit the special interests that are in their district or are supporting them.”

Earmarks are line items tucked into bills to carve out spending for projects, such as building roads or military weapons systems, at the insistence of a particular lawmaker or two.



  1. Loads of money and special stuff for illegals have been put in.

  2. The money for the Post office also includes accepting late date mail in votes to be counted!

  3. Democrats control Congress. What else is expected?

  4. 4:49

    The dumbocrat only control the house of representatives. We can change that in November and remove Piglosi as speaker.

  5. Wait till they have to take 50% of the working mans check to pay all this debt.

  6. I've said it before but it was censored:

    All spending bills from our government crooks are just like the Red Cross and all other non profits. Only a very small % goes to the cause, most of it gets skimmed (stolen) to enrich the pols that pass it.

    How else could they get so rich on such a tiny salary?

    It's a shame that the US government has regressed to the state of a third world no better than that of Venezuela but that is how it is.

    1. 6:53
      You sir, need to relocate to Iran

      Right commenters?
      We destroy ANYONE who tells the truth about the US Government.

      Can I get an Amen?

  7. The global and local political climate has become unbearably toxic. The democrat party has become the lair of every miscreant group that exists. They have no shame. I just can't get my head around their thought processes.

  8. 7:34 Yet you all let it get this way, in fact you all beg for it, and we told you that it wasn't pretty and now you see it!!! Maybe listen next time...

  9. 2 term limits for congress & supreme court a MUST !!!
    Also New Law that can Remove ANYone there immediatley when they
    show it is warranted !!!

    Plenty need to be REMOVED from congress NOW not Later !!!

  10. Demon-crats always trying to sneak in PORK (waist) just like Obama
    Care !!!


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