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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Controversial Antigen Tests Could Be Key to Defeating COVID-19

The day before a planned visit from President Donald Trump earlier this month, a technician swabbed Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to test him for COVID-19. Within 15 minutes, a plus sign for a positive result appeared on the screen of a desktop device the size of a digital alarm clock.

Later that day, however, the Republican governor was tested using a laboratory analysis, which produced a negative result. DeWine’s high-profile testing error raised concerns about the reliability of so-called rapid result antigen tests. But the mishap did little to dampen enthusiasm for the cheap, fast and easy-to-use tests.



  1. Biden stated several occasions he will do a full lock down of the country with road blocks until every American is COVID negative. Also every American will wear a mask at all times by law. However Biden has not taken a COVID test yet but who cares he doesn’t need to 77 years old with a history of brain aneurisms definitely not a high risk candidate. Vote Biden to lock down America and open up China 🇨🇳

  2. Beating Democrats is KEY to Defeating their Covid-19 !!!


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