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Friday, August 21, 2020

CONFIRMED: Chinese Communist Newspaper Endorses Joe Biden – “Joe Biden Is Smoother to Deal with than Donald Trump”

The Global Times is a daily tabloid newspaper and voice of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing.

On Thursday (China time), on the same day as Joe Biden’s much anticipated Democrat Party convention speech, the Chinese Communist newspaper endorsed Joe Biden for President of the United States.

The Global Times says Joe Biden may reactivate the job-killing TPP and the Iran nuclear deals pushed by the Obama administration.

China is rooting for a weak America.
Trump is rooting for a strong America.



  1. Democrats have been selling out America to China since Clinton at the very least

  2. The only thing smooth about Biden is his brain - not a wrinkle in it.

  3. The only thing worse then the bidens are the gross things who will vote for them. The bidens are garbage and so are his supporters. joe violently and brutally finger raping an aid. hunter paying strippers to ram dildos up his ass. Whore liar jill having an affair with him and instead of being stand up about it lies and makes up a feel good love story.
    jill and the other skank in bidens life the trashy daughter of his allowing him to be in the same space as crude and vulgar cardi b virtual or not. No decent woman would allow this.

  4. Was this article found on the Chinese yacht with Bannon?

    1. Nope it was found on the desk of Hunter Biden in his Burisma board room ;)

  5. Wouldn't that be considered as some type of collusion with a potentially hostile foreign entity?


  6. Joe, Hunter and the rest of the Biden Crime Syndicate have been in China's pocket for a number of years.

  7. Biden is their SPY , so they endorse him !!! DUGH

  8. Yeah, cause sleepy Joe is a push-over. m He just tags along with whatever he is told to say or do. A real simpleton.


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