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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Comey: 'I can't imagine that I'm a target' of Durham probe

Former FBI Director James Comey spoke dismissively of Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham's investigation of the origins of the bureau's Russia probe Sunday, saying he has not been contacted for it and that it is being used as a political tool for President Trump and his supporters.

In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation," Comey insisted that everyone involved in the investigation was "trying to do the right thing" and therefore Durham's probe was not concerning for him.

"I have had no contact with him and haven’t talked to him," Comey said about Durham, adding, “I can’t imagine that I’m a target.”



  1. Too tall for a clown, he must be an idiot.

    1. I prefer to call him a traitor

  2. I bet he never thought he would go from private jet, mini army surrounding him, police escort to unemployment and making that statement. He lost power and spot light and for him that is worse then prison. The most corrupt Top cop in America. Martha Stewart laughs herself to sleep.

  3. He must have a very limited imagination.

  4. He lawyered up and refused to talk to anyone and in his mind that means He is not a target. He never looked at DNC computer because they didn’t ask him but the private company Cloud Strike did ask he said no. Cloud Strike also said Russia did not hack the DNC but jimmy couldn’t remember

  5. When are you people going to accept that Donald Trump's people were in communications with the Russians at his direction? No way this man is surrounded by traitors and criminals and not one himself. How stupid and blind do you have to be?

    1. 10:00 please move to Russia. Better yet pay attention to want is really going on around you.

  6. 10:00 - Show us the proofs, please.

    1. The Republicans just provided it. Haven’t you been paying attention?

  7. Because CNN told you 10:00?

    Dumb ass.

  8. 10am, how stupid are you?

  9. 10:00

    Down is up and up is down with you.

    Hillary Kankles Clintonstein paid Russiand to come up with the dossier that started this whole spy on Trump campaign and 3 years of endless nonsense investigations.

    You're a childish troll that can't argue facts so you just lie lie lie. Typical dumbocrat.

  10. Yes , Mr Innocent Can't Imagine !!! Yea , Right !!! LOL

  11. he looked very nervous when he said that, must have lost his imagination


  12. By working their way up the chain the small fry get a chance to share what they knew and perhaps cop a plea while more and more info collects about the crew at the top. When they finally want to talk with him they'll have the answers before they ask the questions.

    Hoping he gets a 4 a.m. wake-up call from the Marshals.

  13. Yawn - this dead horse is dead. Just like Hillary and Barry. Dead dead dead.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: He says as he packs his bags for a long vacation in a foreign country without an extradition treaty with the U. S.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Oh 10:00, I am shocked by your willful ignorance. You obviously receive all of your information from the usual suspects in the controlled media. Because I seriously think that there is a genetic component to liberalism/Marxism/communism, I know that suggesting that you research alternate sources for your information would be futile. I might suggest to you that you think about it as collecting intelligence from your opponents by delving into their devious methods and secrets that you won’t find on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and all the rest of your liberal organizations. It probably frightens you to even consider researching your enemy’s sources for fear that it might damage your preconceived notions about conservatives.

  16. 1000 are you paying the lawyer represents FBI agent that got caught tampering with evidence to spy on a American using false information received by the Russians? Are you willing to go to jail for him? Currently he is the only American (Russian investigation) to receive information from the Russians, lie about it and use it against his country. Crickets helllooo.

  17. Well, 10:00, what do you have to say in defense of your claim? We'd like to be educated.👁👁

  18. 10:00

    Please give your information to the wicked witch of the west Pelosi, I'm sure she would really move on it.

    If she doesn't spasm into oblivion first.

  19. Lock HIM & Hillary UP 2020 !!!

    1. Oh, Susan Olsen.... pay attention here....August 26, 2020 at 8:29 PM

      Can you imagine the Enthusiasm this Country would exhibit :
      locking these 2 assholes up ?

      man, that would be so great to Witness


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