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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Charges Filed For Tossing Objects At Pedestrians; Witness Recorded Three Separate Incidents

OCEAN CITY — A Maryland woman and a juvenile have been charged with allegedly throwing objects at multiple pedestrians deliberately along Coastal Highway last week.

Around 3:15 p.m. last Wednesday, Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officers were dispatched to a parking lot at 97th Street for a report of a disorderly vehicle. OCPD officers met with a victim who reportedly told police she was running on the sidewalk near the parking lot when she was struck in the back of the head with an unknown object.

The victim told police a witness had observed the incident and recorded a cell phone video of it. OCPD officers viewed the video, which showed a Range Rover shifting into the bus lane and tapping the brakes. In the video, a juvenile boy emerges from the rear passenger seat window and makes a throwing motion toward the victim, according to police reports.

Officers contacted the witness who told police at Winter Harbor Drive he observed the juvenile emerge from the rear passenger seat window and throw an object at a woman pushing a stroller along the sidewalk. The object landed safely in front of the woman with the stroller.



  1. My boys and I were heading back from the beach when this occurred. We did not see the incident, but we saw the gentleman exiting his car and confronting the driver of the Land Rover. Well done fella - well done

  2. What kind of sicko does things like this?

  3. Kristina Lilley Hampton
    West Friendship Maryland
    She’s on Facebook

    Internet, do your thing
    Tell this C-U-Next-Tuesday she’s a piece of sh*t and should stay on her side of the bridge with all the other scum bags and @ssholes

  4. Up to $1000 fine per incident for littering on a state highway.

  5. Jail time for this bitch!

  6. And we wonder why today's youth are so screwed up ...

    Adults like this need incarceration

    thank goodness there were no serious injuries

    hopefully, the jogger sues the woman...

    as a jogger myself, and hit by a erratic driver in the past,
    our running group are routinely harassed by drivers who seem to be envious of us.

    Sometimes, I jog with my handgun in a shoulder holster

    because of asshole drivers like 👍 this noted in the report...

    Like Kyle Rittenhouse , a well placed shot stops the bully.

  7. What kind of person decides this is okay?

    1. And bubba says bend over

    2. Bertha....must get it right so it is funny.

  8. Littering? Why not assault??!!

    1. Because she didn't do the assault..the little asshole did.

    2. I think she’s the bigger asshole for encouraging/ facilitating it. #kristinahampton #kristinalilleyhampton Kristina Hampton Kristina Lilley Hampton

      I’m hoping she googled herself and finds this article and these comments because if I ever find the c*nt she’s going to know under no uncertain terms she needs to find a new beach

  9. I bet that kid ends up tossing something he doesn’t want to one day. It will involve his cellmate

  10. Citations? Who made that decision? She should have been arrested and extradited, booked and bonded. You KNOW nothing is going to happen to the kid (remember, this is Maryland) but this is really ridiculous. Nothing short of a nice jail term is in order here.

    1. @7:42 You would extradite from another state, not within Maryland. If it was possible, they would have arrested her for assault...it would be nice to see her charged with corruption of a minor, if that's still on the books..

  11. Cell phone journalists will get 100 court dates.

  12. 4;22 sicko a$$hole liberal democraps ... thats who


  13. Assault. She was in charge and did the driving and coaching.

  14. Can't wait for ALL of these people to go home!

  15. 8:08 She got over in the bus lane to allow him to get closer. Three times she did that. She is not even his mother! He wasn't wearing a seat belt either. Apparently the kid has a youtube channel. I hope they close it down.

  16. I think the driver has (hopefully had) a yoga / Pilates studio in west Friendship and is married to a software sales exec.

    Money doesn’t buy class or good judgement. What a piece of sh*t

    Kristina Hampton
    Kristina Lillie Hampton

  17. The driver taking the video is not an emergency vehicle and decided he could break laws in total disregard of public safety. He needs to be charged also. Following to close, unsafe lane change, reckless driving, operating in bus lane, impudent speed, failure to signal, failure to obey markers , negligent driving, list goes on.

  18. The driver of that vehicle should be charged and any passengers, the vehicle should be confiscated and given to someone more deserving. I hope they serve real jail time. Could have been so much worse as driver causing an accident or someone being seriously injured in the attacks.

  19. This is MD. PBJ will be the most either will get.


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