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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Carney says Delaware can't afford state share of federal unemployment in Trump's executive order

Governor John Carney expressed frustration Tuesday over President Donald Trump's recent executive order that extends federal pandemic unemployment assistance for those who've lost their jobs, but requires states to pick up a portion of the tab.

"This new action, this executive order, is very complicated, and frankly, unnecessary," he told WDEL.

The executive order reduces pandemic unemployment assistance from $600 to $400 a week, but requires states to pay 25% or $100 of that cost.

The memorandum, from the president, noted if a state does not have the money and can't pay, it won't receive the other $300 from the federal government and workers will only be left with existing state unemployment benefits. States will also have to set up an entirely new system to deliver the additional aid, CNN reported.

"We have a system where we can do 100% or we can do 75%, they pay 25, and it will depend on the state," Trump told reporters before returning to the White House from his resort in New Jersey. "And they will make a application. We will look at it, and we'll make a decision."



  1. Carney was right in his comment. It is "frankly unnecessary". They should get State unemployment and quit expecting the Feds to give them money for doing nothing.

  2. Biden's home State is broke! Imagine that! And Biden wants to be President - imagine thatπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ–•

    1. Even more difficult to imagine an Executive Order that nobody understands including Trump.

    2. Actually it is one of the easiest to understand of all things past by Congress. Have you seen the bills they past. Can be 2000 pages full of all kinds of goodies having nothing to do with the topic at hand. You should go back and read some of the bills past. Trump isn't the issue.

    3. Not so ! Trump's Executive Order not only helps those who are unemployed but puts the responsibility back on the States to help - which you already know. Now Nancy Pelosi who didn't get her "wish list" funded called a Congress recess and went on vacation for a month. Now tell me what is it you think Trump did wrong. You are nothing but a Trump hater who obviously doesn't think anything through because you are too busy spreading hate. Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. If Delaware can't afford the unemployment, they must open all businesses immediately. Simple economics.

    1. Exactly! That where the problem begins - Hogan (RINO).

  4. This is not a problem we can "borrow" our way out of. It will have to be repaid someday....unemployment is just that, insurance. Let the insurance fund pay for it. And if they run out of money, they will have to up the rates. Get ready for inflation....

  5. Carney is a joke!

  6. Perhaps it’s time to prioritize state spending. You blow your allowance as a child (state) and then want mommy and daddy (Fed) to pick up the tab. Sounds like it’s time for the kids to learn a lesson in Federalism. Should have paid attention in civics class....

    1. Trump's Executive Order - does exactly that. Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

    2. 9:31
      Is that a joke?
      Of course it is.
      Who compares State Government to a mother? Or Federal Government to a father?

      Very child-like

  7. Of course they don’t have money. Joey and don’t stole it.

  8. Surprise, surprise, socialism cost alot of money. Whoda thunk it?

  9. 8:45. Every state is broke!

    1. Your data is based on what? If you think every State is broke - just wait if Dems get in office. Medicare for all - open borders for illegal immigrants - free health care for illegal immigrants - section 8 - low income housing in your neighborhood - only Black run businesses - only hire Blacks (BLM demands). The list goes on. Every American will be broke - not only financially but mentally - like Joe Biden.


  10. Guess Carney can call his buddy Nancy P Lousy and get her to the table to hammer out a deal that's better for his citizens. Or not, since all DE Dems are more focused on impeding the White House than helping the little folks.

    Or mebbe he can float a loan from Unranian-Chinese billionaire Hunter Biden who seems to have lots of walking around money. SlowJoe might have his number. Just ask.

  11. democratic state, democratic governor, bidens home what do you expect?

  12. Carney : A person who works in a carnival or amusement show.

  13. Hey Dupont will pay for it,right?

  14. Hahaha. Well since Biden and carpenter ruined manufacturing in Delaware. They are broke. No GM. No Chrysler. No DUPONT. No MBNA. The state of Delaware is the biggest employer in the State of Delaware. Carney is only doing what BIDEN tells him to do. So what if the people in Delaware are suffering. Frankly Delaware doesn't deserve any relief. Look at who the fool's vote for??

  15. Don't even cry !! Federal Govt needs to Mandate & Make all states pay
    up !!! They have not done shhht for us so far !!!

    All states should kick in some damn Stimulus not, just Federal Govt !!!

    That BIG Unemployment pot of $$$$ should be FULL unless Govt has
    been Stealing it & dipping into it like they do Social Security $$$ !!!!

    NO EXUSES !!!

  16. Spot on 8:53, they were so busy telling everyone to shut down and stay home and now they can't figure out why they are broke??
    The Feds gave us a stimulus, but what did the states do?

    1. 11:50
      The Feds PRINTED (counterfeit) the US Dollar and passed them around. The US Government is destroying the US Dollar along with Your’s and My savings. Every Dollar they print out of thin air devalues our savings.

      Wake up

  17. Get Carney OUT of Office & Lock him up too !!! ALL Democrats are
    Criminals !!! Ban their Party 2020 !!! Top Priority

  18. Listen, if these States are having problems with budgets and working capital.....what do you Dumbocrats think will happen if someone like Biden, Warren, Sanders or cow squad foreign Dumbocrats were to get elected President??? Where will the money miraculously come from??? Federal Government....already in the hole.......we would go from a Republic to Socialist to Communist in a damn heartbeat!! You would be under China control just like the NBA! Trump / Pence 2020 — (your Dumbocrat hero’s Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler DISAPPROVE this message!)

  19. Delaware & All 50 states should have Plenty of Unemployment $$$$$
    in the Big Pot after ALL the years every business has been made to Pay
    it in !!!
    If they don't, they must have Stolen it & used it elswhere like the Govt
    does to OUR $$$ in Social Security !!!

    So TUFF, Delaware, Cough it up & quit wining !!!


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