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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Brian Williams and His Obama Guy STILL Claiming Trump's Russian-Owned

It's amazing how leftist cable shows sound like they're still stuck in 2017 complaining about how Russia owns Donald Trump. Take truth-challenged MSNBC host Brian Williams, who oozed on Friday night that Trump is "absent" when the house is "on fire." He brought on MSNBC analyst Jeremy Bash -- a top aide in Obama's Pentagon and CIA -- to analyze the new report on Russia, China, and Iran and the election. Russia favors Trump, and the other two favor Biden.

Naturally, Bash and Williams chose to ignore the parts of the report about China and Iran and focused exclusively on Russia with Bash alleging that Moscow has heaped tremendous benefits from their 2016 "investment."

Williams began with his usual hyperbole, "the house, we are told, is on fire. Absent a president in the fight, it's a uniquely helpless feeling, isn't it, for the remaining few of us troubled by the idea that Russia is actively engaged in a presidential election less than 90 days away. Who do we -- is there someone in customer service that, again, the small subset of us who still care about such things, who do we see about this?"

Oh, woe to the virtuous subset that never gave up their conspiracy theory....



  1. Yes sir, half a million people tuned in and half of them watched.

  2. Maybe Trump would have a sporting chance if he were hooked up with Russia or anywhere. The USA sure kicks the hell out of him. That’s the reward we give for greatness. Hang in there sir, we are still out here and have your backside. We the people are not jealous of your success, we’re appreciative. Go Trump! Trump/Pence 2020!!

  3. The opposite is true to the Dems lies.

  4. He still has a job?? Isn't he one of those POS who said he was attacked in Irag?? Which was a complete LIE.


  5. IIRC, wasn't it Brian Williams who introduced Kamala Harris to Willie Brown? I kind of recall him saying that a few years.

  6. DNC and Hillary Clinton Colluded with Ukraine, British and German intelligence used fake Russia information to spy on President and turn country upside down. Trump exposed them, sanctioned Russian and all his allies, Armed Ukraine to fight Russia and made USA energy independent hurting Russia again financially. In turn Russia wants four more years ? Sick people

    1. No news here! Russia has owned Trump since well before 2016. Don’t see a big deal with this story.

  7. 8:31 holy delusions batman!

  8. 12:52

    So what is not true about that post?

  9. 8:58 AM - You need to follow the money honey!!! Will lead you right to the Democrats. Obama was Putins puppet and he owned him and Hillary Clinton, hook, line and sinker.


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