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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

BREAKING: President Trump Asked About Susan Rice and Obamagate – Says Obama and Others Probably Guilty of Treason (VIDEO)

Following a scare at the White House where the Secret Service had to evacuate the briefing room as President Donald Trump spoke to reporters, the president asserted that the Barack Obama administration may be guilty of treason.

When asked by the One America News White House correspondent Chanel Rion about the possibility of Susan Rice being chosen as a running mate by former Vice President Joe Biden, President Trump did not hold back.

Discussing surveillance crimes committed by the former administration by Obama’s, President Trump said that “the Obama campaign spied on our campaign and they’ve been caught.”

“Now lets see what happens to them,” the president continued. “They have been caught. They have been caught red-handed. It’s probably treason. It’s a horrible thing they did.”



  1. What a bunch of hot air! If it’s treason arrest him already. If not, effing shut up!!

    1. When did the President get authority to arrest somebody?? I guess they don’t teach civics in school anymore.Oh, that’s right, they don’t teach ANYTHING anymore.... Or maybe you just didn’t LEARN anything..

    2. 4:06 is just a twit. Throws out these statements. No thought put into what is said. Trump hater's all act the same. Or maybe just can't accept the truth that Obama was the worse President of the United States of America.

  2. Biden picked a lesser VP choice in Kamala Harris what an incompetent shrill

  3. 4:06

    Nobody is above the law..............except dumbocrats.

    1. That is what we have thought all along. Truth is if you’ve been watching lately, we have been wrong. Damorats don’t even get charged for their wrong doings.

  4. I forget, what's the punishment for treason again?

    1. Hanging - sorry. Life in prison? Death? Or champagne part at Obama's mansion more like it! Yes that's it party time by Trump haters at Obama's. That's all he will ever get. 🖕


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