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Thursday, August 06, 2020

BREAKING: Checkpoints will be set up at New York City's tunnels and bridges to trace travelers from 35 COVID hotspot states and enforce 14-day quarantine - and anyone who flouts it risks a $10,000 fine

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is implementing checkpoints to stop people entering the city from any of the 35 states that are on Cuomo's mandatory quarantine list and take down their details to enforce it.

Anyone who is caught flouting the rules faces a $10,000 fine.

The rule goes into effect starting Thursday August 6.

De Blasio announced the new rule at a press conference on Wednesday morning but he failed to specifically explain how it would be enforced.

Currently, anyone who enters the state of New York from any of the 35 lists is expected to quarantine for two weeks or risk fines of $2,000 and upwards.



  1. He is just trying to save lives and is a good guy. I think he missed the mark allowing protest, riots, mass gatherings of disorderly morons happening tonight but he is overall doing a great job with his agenda. Nyc doesn’t like it move or vote someone else in. As of right now his job is safe and he is polling very high even during 300 percent spike in crime. People must like him.

  2. George Sorros back as a Nazi Youth going after JewsAugust 6, 2020 at 11:25 PM

    Let's Me Zee your Papers

  3. That is an unconstitutional restriction of travel

  4. So then so a terrible job initially in containing it. Let their residents flee to their 2nd homes. And now on the flip side want to quarantine people coming there.

  5. Gestopo
    Hitler anyone?
    Just stay completely away from New York

  6. DeBlasio looking for Florida tags - tit for tat😂😂😂

  7. Once again, leaders passing COVID rules - yet no clue with enforcement.

    This should be really fun to watch since NY News channels/helicopters will be watching this DeBlahblahblah sh*tshow.

    DeBlahblahblah, a NY plate returns from one of the 35 states listed - how will anyone know that numbnut. Going to stop all the 18 wheelers too doing daily business with all kinds of different license plates.


  8. What about his residents who have been spreading it state to state all this time?

  9. Won’t be many cars to check. No one wants to go to NYC. In fact people are leaving in droves thanks to deBlasio.

  10. diblasio attempting to show off and get his name in the news. This will last all of 3 days before it fades away. He's all talk and zero results. 99.9 percent of NYC deaths were in nursing homes and/or the NYC public hospitals. In other words poor minorities. Those hospitals have been under fire for a decade. He knew about it and did nothing. Hardly any deaths in Manhattan especially in the more affluent zip codes.

    1. There were less deaths in wealthy neighborhoods because all of those people left NYC for their summer homes elsewhere as soon as the pandemic started.

    2. There are less deaths in the wealthy neighborhoods because they are intelligent enough to practice good hygiene.

  11. the state that spread most of this virus is several months late. They should've done it to their own people in the beginning.

  12. Checkpoints? With armed guards? And taking down names and addresses, too?
    You cheered the useless and unconstitutional "sobriety checkpoints", which, when initially started, were billed as a "drunk driver check ONLY". It is NOW and wants and warrants check, a car inspection, a check on the occupants, and generally, a warning to all citizens that YOU are not the boss.
    Keep your head down, don't make eye contact, and do what you're told.

    That's what you cheered for and that's EXACTLY what you are getting. And, it's going to get worse. A LOT WORSE.

    What will you do, for heaven's sake??

    You'll just keep cheering. You have been fully convinced that SOMEONE ELSE knows how you should live and behave. Wear a mask!
    Stay away from others! Don't even go outside if you don't need to!!
    Don't go to a funeral, unless it's for someone who is connected or powerful.
    You cheer!!

    This country is SO screwed.

  13. Has to make the money somehow from all those wealthy ex-taxpayers leaving the state...

  14. 10:57 Not true. I go to Manhattan all the time including during the worst of the pandemic I was there at least 10 times then. Lenox Hill neighborhood-high rent district- and lots of people around. It was more around then normal since many were "working from home." Now my cousins whose apartment I stay in did leave for FL in March and were only going to stay until this was over did end up within 3 wks buying a house in S FL and are now living there with no intention of every living in NYC again.

  15. The rich are leaving that city in droves thanks to Deblah blah.


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