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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Bill Maher reveals why he is 'very nervous' that Joe Biden will lose, President Trump will win again

Bill Maher, host of HBO's "Real Time," admitted Friday that he is "very nervous" about Joe Biden's chances of defeating President Donald Trump in November.
Speaking with MSNBC host Joy Reid, Maher said he believes the Republican National Convention's optimism will prove very effective — so much so that his Biden enthusiasm is tanking.
"I don't know if this stuff works, but it might," Maher said, Fox News reported. "I am feeling less confident about this — maybe it's just their convention bump got to me, but I'm feeling less confident than I was a month ago."


  1. Kid love production company. He has No kids, Hollywood multimillionaire and loves Clinton’s. Bill Barr should be writing a search warrant on his place.

  2. And why do we care what this chit head is “very nervous” about. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

  3. I would be more nervous about the chances of Biden winning and what that would do to destroy this country

  4. You should Bill. Biden is proving to be a feckless and weak candidate hiding in his basement thus proving the fact the DNC wants him under wraps. In addition, the rioting, looting, assaults (verbal and physical), arson, and general mayhem allowed by the inept and incompetent Democrat mayors/governors further perpetrates a radical liberal left ideology that Americans will not accept.

  5. It is always interesting to me how wrong the polls have been. No wonder why he is worried.

  6. Let's see….a party that says we are a great country and will be ever greater and a beacon of freedom and opportunity for the world to see.

    Or, a party that says we are racist, bigoted ex slave owners who have brought misery and hate to the world and whose main goal is NOT the improvement of our great country, but the defeat of a man they resent and hate themselves and are perfectly fine with destruction, murder, violence, and chaos in order to accomplish the goal of victory over Trump.
    No plans, just beat Trump.

    Most Americans listen to that BS and wonder "is THAT the best you got?!"
    You're willing to let thugs and losers burn down MY house, destroy my business, drag me from my car and stomp me in the street??
    Yep. We NEED more leaders that think that way.
    ESPECIALLY rich ones who have armed guards and live in multi-million dollar mansions while lecturing the rest of us about "privilege".
    Optimism is one of the hallmarks of our republic.
    Pessimism and hatred are NOT political platforms that will garner a lot of support. And telling regular citizens they should be ashamed of their own lives and that they OWE someone else all the things they've worked years to achieve doesn't touch a lot of hearts, except those who can't stop demanding SOMEONE ELSE take care of them.
    One can have ANYTHING THEY WANT in American -- you just have to WORK for it.
    That's the catch, isn't it, for those loser bi***es….
    Trump is going to absolutely DESTROY Biden. And they know it.

  7. 9:28 AM - Nobody get lazy or slack before the vote! Trump 2020-2024.

  8. Just wait till the debates! Biden will be as popular as a case of syphilis!

  9. Bob Aswell ....RealistAugust 30, 2020 at 10:38 PM

    You should be nervous Maher. When Trump is re-elected, and he will be, there'll be a completely new sheriff in town. All you LAMO Liberals are going to be fair game and the political bullshit will be passe.
    I hope it's severe as I want it to be. There'll be a lot more thought put into riots and personal assaults then is now. These BLM dumb-asses are going to be met with the same force or more than they are generating and ultimately be put down.
    I remember a speech by Patton at which he defined the effort put forth in the theater of the invasion of Sicily. He reminded the troops of their responsibility and diligence in the eradication of subversive Germans, who had NO chance of being victorious and were poorly prepared. He furthermore reminded them of their individual honor when confronting the enemy.He assured them right was on their side when oppressed people were part of the equation.
    Donald Trump, although not an historian,or ex-military, has these core values and not afraid to advance, on this rabble and put them down as Patton. Rightly so.
    These common tripe individuals and their dogma will be as Patton said and be relegated to the lowest reaches of Hell. Sooner than later I hope.


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