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Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Question?


The educational system receives millions of dollars each year for salaries, maintenance etc.

My question is if the schools are all closed, and no one is present using (teachers), (students), the facilities including the maintenance personnel
And there appears going to be a fee charge for children home schooling, Where are all those funds going? are they paying all that staff not to work?

The school funds are in question here, where are they used, and will the public see any relief in their tax base.


  1. Relief from taxes? Are you crazy? Do you live in La La Land?

  2. Why must we talk about this yet again?? Nothing will change because we are outnumbered by stupid fool's who only do what they are told. The only way to WIN?? Is to hone school or private school. Those are the only ways to win. When the education system has nothing more than the animals it cantered too. It will implode on themselves.

  3. The home or private schoolers aren't winning if they are still paying taxes and paying for schools that they aren't using.

  4. You can home school till the cows come home but you still won't get any relief from county taxes. You can not win and anyone who thinks so is delusional.

  5. I saw it the other night Ask Biden in an elevator. He cares about our feelings!!!

  6. I've heard from teachers they are going to be teaching from their classrooms, for accountability reasons. That way there aren't any excuses as to they weren't able to teach because of loss of power or internet etc. The fact they want kids at home on tablets/computers for 5-7 hours a day is pretty nuts. I know my kids attention span and if a digital environment isn't engaging enough this isn't going to go well.

  7. Even worse, how can some Counties charge for babysitting services in those SAME CLASSROOMS???? We already paid for the classrooms and teachers so how can they charge us to have teachers paid over $250/wk to babysit in those same classrooms????

  8. Is the Civic Center open? Do we really need to pay the salaries for people to sit in a office all day and search the web?

  9. No, the way to win is to move out of MD.

  10. All the education system getting paid whether their working or not,can’t wait to see the tax bill we’re all going to get down the road.

  11. The schools are open for teachers and administrators to work from their classrooms/offices. If you live in a no internet zone, you have to come into your school to work or you have to take a leave of absence if you need to stay home with your children because you are NOT allowed to bring them to school with you.

  12. I do not understand. Dorchester county teachers will be reporting Monday to the school. At least DCTC is and they will be having kids very soon. Stop judging all schools when you have no clue what you are talking about.

  13. Bet you'll think my school vouchers idea was a stupid now yuh? Should have been on a ballot decades ago

  14. If the teachers are not in their class rooms, they should not be paid. That will get their attention.


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