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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Zogby: Biden's support from blacks is 'dismal'

Likely will force him to choose African-American running mate

Pollster John Zogby says black support for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is "dismal," arguing for the selection of a black woman as his running mate.

Two recent polls reflect the possible concern for the Biden campaign. Zogby Strategies and EMI Research Solutions show Biden has the support of 77% of blacks. President Trump is at 14% support. And Rasmussen Reports recently found 21% of black people support a second term for Trump.

Zogby said the "whole world is watching" as Biden decides on a running mate.

"These numbers among blacks are dismal," he said.



  1. Why would black voters choose someone who was sued by the DOJ for not renting apartments to black people?

  2. Moooooooooochelle

  3. I’m black and I’m voting Trump

  4. 2:11 LOL sure you are.

  5. No matter what color he chooses, he will never go in the White House again for anything.

  6. Everyone keeps saying without the black vote you can't win. That not TRUE. Half can't vote or won't VOTE. President Trump has received millions of votes from Democrats. I'm one of them. The Democrats are lost and criminal. They aren't for the working man. They are for the welfare man.

  7. Hundreds of thousands union members will vote for Trump

  8. " Anonymous said...
    Why would black voters choose someone who was sued by the DOJ for not renting apartments to black people?

    July 15, 2020 at 2:07 PM"

    You people are so incredibly ignorant it's no wonder you will be a peon your entire life. Where do you get your "facts"? CNN? Social media? This is another issue with you people. You are so dumb and your IQ somewhere in the imbecile range that you don't look up the case yourself because you are to stupid to know how. First off he wasn't "sued." You don't get "sued" by the DOJ. You are showing you are a dumbed down product of the US public "education" system. Secondly it wasn't Trump It was the management company. Thirdly if you knew the first thing about business you would know how things work. If you lived in the real world and got off the shore once in awhile you would also know what goes on in the real world. Every single big landlord has at one time or another been sanctioned for Fair Housing. They used to send out testers to trick people. This you would't know because being a peon you won't ever own a home outright much less anything else. All that happened was the staff had to take a fair housing seminar and they had to post fair housing signs. Keep in mind you know nothing people will get called out over here and you need to Thank me for bringing to attention your ignorance because when you repeat such nonsense it only proves you are an ignoramus.

    1. STFU.....He was sued along with his racist daddy. It's public record


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