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Friday, July 24, 2020

WOW! Joe Biden Says It’s Wrong to Hold China Accountable Because Americans Can’t Distinguish Between “a South Korean and Someone From Beijing”

If Trump said this you’d never hear the end of it.

On the same day Joe Biden accuses President Trump of being a racist — he dropped this line:

Joe Biden: Look what he’s doing now. He’s blaming everything on China. He’s blaming everything on the Chinese. And people don’t make a distinction. As you well know from a South Korean and someone from Beijing. They make no distinction. It’s Asia. And that’s the way and he’s just using it as a wedge.



  1. This guy hasn't a chance. It makes you think what SCAM are the DEMOCRATS playing with this FOOL?? An OBAMA third term??

  2. Obama 3rd term - absolutely correct. I have been saying all along. Now Obama is on TV running together. Isn't Biden racist for wanting a black female for his running mate. What about a qualified individual no matter what race. Bigot that he is.

  3. Absolutely ZERO wrong with what he said. LOL. Because it is absolutely true. You guys don't know squat about the international issues you have so many opinions on. For example: you actually think trade deals with China and South Korea that Trump touts are a big deal. Yet you don't have a clue about what is in those deals, how those deals differ from what was in place, or what the impact is for the US worker/consumer. You still think China was paying tariffs to the US. Meanwhile reality is YOU were paying tariffs and YOU were impacted by the farmers who lost revenue during Trump's trade war.

    1. Do you think Haitians are Black too? What color are Mexicans? Tell a Korean they are the same as Japanese and you got some trouble on your hands. Just like if you don't vote for me you are not Black. lol

    2. Please share with us ole mighty one. We lost money because of our commerce department sold us out. So if you're going to act like you know it all and your shit don't stick. At least know WTF you're talking about.

  4. How is pointing out American ignorance racist?

    1. Choosing a BLACK WoMAN as a running mate is racist.

    2. Get off the Beach and go to Walmart it’s safer. Obey

  5. Bob Aswell ....RealistJuly 24, 2020 at 12:35 PM

    Lending any credence to anything Little Orphan Annies brother says is an exercise in futility. Confucius said 'The eyes are the window to the soul'. When I look at Biden's face I see a picture of a clear window in front of a blank wall. He's definitely Annie's brother only not as smart.

    What I guard against is being taken in by what any Dimocrat tells me concerning Government. I'm 68 and remember what most Dimocrat history is famous for is colossal F%^ck ups. Look at what's going on with the virus. O'
    dumba sits on his ass on TV telling everyone how great his tenure was. Fortunately he's the only one who believes it. Now he's got a case of the red ass because a man who knows economics turned the USA around. Now that the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Republic is here, what damn good for the many and few have the Dimocrats contributed to the cause. Nothing, because having Pelosi and Schummer as the acme of their cause tells the ordinary citizen all they need to know provided they'll listen.
    That's the Dimocrat credo.Don't listen to anybody but us and we'll screw you up as bad as us. Don't forget to vote twice, being we've done such a damn fine job. Then they walk away smirking like they've done something big.
    Yesterday I said if I were that useless I'd pray for execution, that holds today and for ever.

  6. How racist of Joe Biden to say that!!

  7. Middle finger to the elderly Delaware resident

    1. Yet they think BIDEN is wonderful. For over 40 years the MORON'S of Delaware voted for this clown. And carpenter. And koons. Look at all the fool's Delaware have produced?? Pathetic.

  8. He was trained as a youth to be fearful and suspicious of anyone with an Asian face. In his early formative years the Japanese were enemies, then North Koreans and Chinese, then Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians for two decades, then back again to Chinese and North Koreans.
    Ask him today about Asians in America and he'll say they all work in tech jobs, in laundries or as gardeners, and are proficient in Asian martial arts.

    1. I'm guilty of saying all Black men look alike. I know their not. I know I shouldn't say that but Hey I'm not running for President of the United States. Biden is and he should be smarter than that. I want a President that has some brains and it isn't Obama and his 3rd term


  9. Guess SlowJoe just lost Hogan's vote!

  10. It's obvious that the DC Swamp is scared of foreign countries or they wouldn't be so quick to defend them


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