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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

White House: Native Americans would be ‘very angry’ about Redskins name change

WASHINGTON — The White House on Monday doubled down on criticism of the Washington Redskins for retiring their name and logo, citing a news report that found the majority of Native Americans were not offended by it.

At a briefing, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said President Trump last week ripped the anticipated decision by the NFL team to change their name after backlash from corporate sponsors and decades of controversy because Native Americans would be made “very angry” by the decision.

“His tweet made it clear that these teams named their teams out of strength, not weakness, and he talked about the Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians looking at changing their names,” McEnany told reporters.

“He says that he believes the Native American community would be very angry at this and he does have polling to back him up,” she continued.



  1. I would very proud if a new team was named "White Honkys"

  2. Covid, soaring debt, foreign enemies meddling in elections, the list goes on. Trump needs to keep his eye on the ball instead of bloating out more BS on a topic that is pretty far below the president's paygrade

    1. 7:51 Trump has his eye on the ball - has he ever disappointed you before. There is a revolution going on with the Democrats and Trump is pointing that out.

  3. I'm very angry about it!!

  4. Bring it was their name and logo it’s anti Native American to remove it

  5. So, "Native" Americans don't like football?

    By the way. "Native" Americans were not the first to be here either.

    1. 10:01
      Native . . . Means the first people to live in an area

      What do you think it means? Lol

  6. This goes to show you that the sponsors not the fans control the Professional sports arena! Money controls everything as you can clearly see with this name change.

  7. They will be angry because the limelight will no longer be on them.


    Squawk and you get the horns!


  8. This is an election year - say no more. Pelosi can doesn't watch football because she is 8n her very expensive kitchen eating very expensive ice cream served to her by her staff - slaves??

  9. The sponsors of football control everything! I believe FedEx was the main sponsor crying for a name change or the company would pull out! Just like trying not to get pregnant just pull out! Shameful FedEx! UPS here I come!

  10. It should be up to them, imo.


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