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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Where is the Decorum? Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema Shows Up to Work Sporting Blue Wig

Where is the decorum?

Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) showed up to work on Tuesday sporting a blue wig.

Senator Sinema clarifies to @GarrettHaake her new wig color is “Mint Green,” not bluepic.twitter.com/GegeHvqlwt

— Ali Zaslav (@alizaslav) July 21, 2020



  1. That's to show she is a radical.

  2. Articles criticizing fashion choices: 1
    Articles scrutinizing where trillions of dollars of bail out money went to: 0

    We see where the priorities of this blog are...Way to go conservatives

    1. Why don't you give it up - a true classless individual who wants attention by stiring up the pot. Maybe you would like to bring up Obama giving Iran Billions of America taxpayers money to these Muslims during the night. How much did he keep for himself. Article 0

  3. She's a sexy thing. But not very intelligent.

  4. Does the carpet match the drapes?

  5. expected from a democratic woman! they are all crazy!

  6. 12:53

    Soros troll again?

  7. If she were a republican, I would do her. Can’t seem to cotton up to a female with (D) beside them.

  8. It is the shock factor. Teenagers do it all the time. Their minds have not matured yet. Goes to show you the level of maturity of Democrats.

  9. 12:53 why would they highlight the hypocrisy they've been brainwashed to defend?

  10. After they moved into nice cities, they soon turned into unkempt and rundown ghettos. Teachers had to give up the control they had in the classrooms. Too lazy to tie shoelaces or wear a belt. Music is now regurgitated fourth grade rhymes. High school graduates barely capable of elementary school math...

  11. 12:53 I get that you would be jealous that you don't have a successful informative blog site that has the freedom to deviate from the normal fake news that you are used to ingesting! We get it, Democrats are inferior!


  12. IIRC, her primary claim to fame is being first openly bisexual elected to the Senate. Whether that ties into mint green tresses is for others to discern.

  13. Not business dress attire.

  14. She showed up on her first day wearing hooker boots

  15. Here's a 60s/70's term that seems fitting: Sexpot!!!

    Only thing missing - Go-Go boots!

    Yaaaa Baby!!!!!

    Snowflakes, look up Sexpot, Go-Go Boots and the phrase Yaaaa Baby on your MyFace phone machine camera thingy!

    Psst less than 1 day until TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. 12:53, back when everyone was bailed out it was the OBAMA years LOL! I am guessing you are new to this site or else you would have seen the posts,


  17. Wow 1:59 really you want to talk about hypocrites. Have you looked in the mirror lately dems are the kings of hypocrisy.

  18. 2:22 What I really wish is that I had a cookie cutter wannabe Caribbean restaurant! Not envious of the blog so much...

  19. 226 - yeppers!

    I discern minty green!!!!!

  20. 126: too funny. Did the truth hurt? Seems to me conservatives use to be about responsible government spending. Now it seems, no one cares. Pointing this out isn't a "Soros" thing clown.

    157: Nice try, but you guys call in the same old tired play every time - "distract, distract, distract". If you think a "billions give away" was bad, you should be screaming about multi-trillion dollar give aways. You know, 1 trillion, as in 1000 billions.

    222: that was just plain laughable.

  21. Getto fabulous 😂💩

  22. If you think she looks like a circus clown, check out Frederica Wilson. Whew!

  23. Listen up boys and girls. Don’t go with the flow. This is like casual Friday, etc. Very unprofessional in any job. Remember when teachers dressed in a suit of clothes, male and female. Now a golf shirt is stylish. Even the gas station wore a bow-tie at the red ball service and all others. It doesn’t make you cool to anyone but yourselves to be relaxed. Even if allowed in your office or outside, dress the part. Look professional when walking toward a customer, to sell a car or loan. Take pride in what you do whatever it is and it will lift everyone around you. Thanks

  24. She's also known as Kyrsten's Enema!
    This might be why!

  25. 3:45

    So why don't you have your own blog then?

    Maybe mommy won't raise your allowance.

  26. @2:58 The economic bail out was one of the last things passed during the Bush Adminstration, dipshit.

  27. 525 thats really the best you have huh? lol

    530 obviously you have been asleep at the wheel the last few months.

  28. Looks like a nutcase out of Pulp Fiction.

  29. 12:54 She’s Thick and has Brahma bull shoulders. sexy? No. 🤮

  30. Roscoe of Section 8July 23, 2020 at 7:56 PM

    Dammmmmmmmm, dat my girl yo

  31. Who Cares? Fake outrage over literally anything.

    She's been wearing colored wigs to remind people about social distancing, and the point that you can't get your hair dyed safely... hence the wigs.

    Good for her.

    I thought she looked stunning in her over the knee boots. Work it if you got it.

  32. Where was the decorum when Trump said he grabs women by their p*ssies?


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