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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

WATCH: AG Barr Calls Out Democrats for Not Condemning Mob Violence

Attorney General William Barr called out Democrats on Tuesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing for failing to condemn mob violence and attacks on the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland, Oregon in recent weeks.

“What makes me concerned for the country is [that] this is the first time in my memory that the leaders of one of our great two political parties, the Democratic Party, are not coming out and condemning mob violence and the attack on federal courts,” Barr said.

“Why can’t we just say: ‘Violence against federal courts has to stop?’ Could we hear something like that?”

Barr was testifying about the federal law enforcement response to protect the courthouse, which has been vandalized and firebombs by what Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden, have called“peaceful protesters.”

Those “protesters” have also attacked the federal officials defending the building.

Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), who claimed on Sunday that the violence was a “myth,” did not respond by condemning the violence, but adjourned the hearing for a five-minute hearing instead.



  1. I watched some of it. The way he was treated was disgraceful, all bad political theater. Barr should be congratulated for his composure.

  2. Very rude bunch asking questions and trying to falsely answer so AG Barr couldn’t get a word it. Try to keep him from going on a fast break. That little no neck Nadless.

  3. Barr is worthless. Another look at me on Capital Hill asshole.

  4. It was plotted and planned to not allow him to speak again all the lies and false accusations, allowing him to speak quickly exposed the lies. Our Country has gotten this bad because we allow and except that its ok for our representatives to flat out lie while doing official business. Until there is accountability for their actions, it will continue and get much worse. Voting them out is not enough, there must be prosecutions.

  5. This hearing confirms that Democrats have lost their minds. Imagine the memo telling them to ask the questions but deny Barr the ability to answer. The tone and denigrating accusations were disgraceful. And like the lemmings they are they all go along with it. More then ever we need to get these people out of government.


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