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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Washington & Lee Professors Call for Removal of Robert E. Lee’s Name from University

100 Professors at Washington & Lee University are calling for the removal of General Robert E. Lee’s from the university’s name. In 1870 the university’s name was changed from Washington University after Lee assumed the role of university president.

According to a report by Campus Reform, faculty members at Washington & Lee University are calling for a change to the university’s name. The report claims that more than 100 professors at the university have called on administrators to erase the university’s relationship with Robert E. Lee. The most significant change would involve changing the university’s name.



  1. No federal money for the marxist training camp

  2. Tell this M.Fers to find another job if they don’t like the name of the place of their employers!!

  3. Washington has to go also, he owned people! This is now considered the "Original Sin" for the founding of Slave-America.

    If they named it "The Obama/Hillary school", they would love it!

  4. Are they going to dig up his body also? What about any money they make from tourists going there to see his grave? Any and all historical artifacts pertaining to Gen Lee should be given back to his family.

    1. @ 11:32 you are also a F’n White Coward giving up that easily aren’t you. You Cowards are what is wrong with this country, you are too much of a PU$$y to fight for our rights. Go crawl in your mommy’s moldy basement you freaking COWARD!

    2. 12:14
      What rights are you fighting to defend?
      Is the name of that college important to you?
      Did you attend it?
      Did you even get accepted to it?

      Let us all know when you plan to fight with the communists

  5. IF patriots ever really have ever had enough and want to fight back, the media is the place to start. All of the lies and hipe start there. They are in charge of the narrative and the sheep.

    TV introduced the opportunity to influence the masses and lead to the beginning of the Deep State.

    Control the narrative - win the war.

    That's why our rights keep and will continue to evaporate.

  6. I call for the removal of the professors who protested.

  7. Removal of all names has associated costs for all changes.

    Could get very expensive...at the taxpayer's expense.

    (its in the fine print. You know the very fine print which we see in ads on tv. You only see it for seconds...)


  8. 11:32- George Washington is buried at Mount Vernon. About 100 miles away. Lexington is a college town. You heard of them when the restaurant kicked out Sarah Sanders. I spent a few days there once. They have a haunted tour which features the window that won't shut, which sounds incredibly stupid. I took photos of Stonewall Jackson's grave, finding it humorous with all the lemons that people leave on the grave. Look it up. When I looked at the photos later, there were about a dozen "whisps" in the photos and video. Anyway, I wondered off topic.

  9. 1105 thats not how things work.

    For the rest of you butt hurt losers, exactly how is a university community entering into discussions about changing he university name, of any consequence to you? Are you alum? Are you currently enrolled? If not, spend your time whining about something else. Get it through your head: there are masses of people who choose NOT to honor or celebrate those who decided to take up arms against the US to protect a system that was 100% against human rights and the true spirit of America. Hop on aboard the that train; there is plenty of room to join.

  10. Will the names of all West Point graduates who fought for the Confederacy be removed from those rolls, too?

  11. Enough of this crap...Wake up Patriots!!!

  12. My personal opinion. Why are removing statues? We should remove the people that riot, burn, loot and kill. Statues don't do that. Leave them alone and grow up!


  13. My suggestion is to conduct an unbiased study; the pseudo-academics will like that.

    Professors, associate and assistant professors, lecturers, adjuncts and graduate assistants who are upset should find other work at a college or university that meets their suddenly high standards for viewing the past 150 years. Washington & Lee will provide full salary for up to a year while they navel gaze, and look for that perfect perch. Pay ends when they are hired, or after a year. Those eligible to retire get another year of credited service.

    Program commences July 4 and those availing themselves must be gone by July 31.

    Purpose of study is to see how many will actually put some skin in the game since Lee was dead when they applied for work there, and could no longer hurt them.

  14. Yes and tear down the Lee Chapel on campus, dig up his horse Traveler and move onward. Let's bulldoze VMI right down the street for providing the 150 cadets that drove the Union Army out of the Shenandoah Valley. Also home to the George C Marshall Museum-the man responsible for the rebuilding of Europe after WW2. Charlottesville is close by so we can then tear down Monticello and put up condos. I have been there-a great view the property has to be worth millions.

  15. 1233 - interesting point.

  16. I bet if Lee’s name were on their check they would gladly accept and cash. All of a sudden since some turd got a knee held past the suggested time, the world has to be embarrassed. Not I said the wise man.

  17. And let's change all the Martin Luther King Blvd names, and get rid of all the black & white names on everything. This has gotten sickening and disgraceful.

  18. Lets REMOVE MLK name from our street signs !!! & the Statue in D.C !!

  19. 2:38 I'm pretty sure thier paycheck and W2 has the current name of the university on it. I'm also sure crap comments and derailment of your logic train is a pretty common occurrence.

  20. cool so now lets take down MLK n Odumbass and all that is in the a name at any school. I'm so sick of this shit. You want it your way well I say it is time we have are way and see how they like it. Plus they want to kill all the whites well if they do that who will take care of their asses. Not the goverment. (map)

  21. Anonymous said...

    @ 11:32 you are also a F’n White Coward giving up that easily aren’t you. You Cowards are what is wrong with this country, you are too much of a PU$$y to fight for our rights. Go crawl in your mommy’s moldy basement you freaking COWARD!

    July 1, 2020 at 12:14 PM

    No Sh*t lip. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of the Liberals. They want to erase everything without giving up anything. If they want to erase General Lee from History then they should give back his property to his family. Including Arlington. I don't give a sh*t about General Lee. I was born in the North and have no roots in the South. 4 years in the Marine Corps I am no coward. So you uneducated fool can kiss my white A$$.

  22. Gee, I wonder if Shiela Jackson Lee is going to change her shameful name.


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