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Friday, July 10, 2020

Virus Spikes While Local and State Officials Bicker Over Face Mask Mandates

It’s unfair for businesses to have to police customers for wearing masks when Dallas County isn’t holding individuals accountable, said Khai Nguyen, a barista at Sip Stir Coffee House. Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has not made masks a statewide mandate and has limited the scope of orders local officials can make.

DALLAS — Every day, Texas continues to break records in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, rivaling hotspots such as Florida and Arizona as the new center of the U.S. pandemic.

As the situation escalates — spiking to a record 6,584 new cases Wednesday and adding more than 5,000 new infections almost every day last week — Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has consistently touted the ways in which Texans can stay safe: Wear a mask, sanitize often, social distance. Last week, he encouraged Texans to just stay indoors, then said he’d put a pause on reopening businesses. By the end of the week, he ordered bars to close and restaurants to cut their occupancy from 75% to 50%.



  1. Governor Abbott is following the advice and guidance of the President. Unfortunately that advice is BS as sunlight, warmer temperatures and humidity are not deterrents to the virus. And despite many direct orders from the President the virus refuses to go away. Abbott May be forced to do the unthinkable and following the advice of a scientists and medical professionals that know what they’re doing. That seemed to work in NY, NJ and Maryland.

  2. If you don't wear a mask you're an idiot. Plain and simple.

    1. If you wear a mask, you're a sheeple .... fact!!!!

    2. Masks don’t work
      They make the wearer in danger

  3. It's sad that wearing a mask has become a political issue. Not giving a damn about the people around you seems to be the American way nowdays .

  4. Democrats everywhere calling for shutdowns again to help collapse small businesses.

    1. And the President is accelerating that move by ignoring medical and scientific advice in a lame attempt to bolster his re-election chances.

  5. 12:34. Really, just your opinion. Not factual.

  6. 12:34 go follow your flock

  7. Cops can't smell alcohol on your breath if you wear a mask, that's how effective they are.

  8. 207 - want to go to establishment that requires a mask and you don't wear a mask

    Sorry Charlie - you don't get in. If your feewings are butt hurt - Tough sh*t Sherlock!

    Get what you want, wear a mask. All will conform eventually. Just like seat belts and non-smoking inside establishments.

    Git with the program, no facts needed!

    1. 4:40
      No facts needed

      You said it all, Mr sheep


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