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Tuesday, July 07, 2020

US Senator Chuck Grassley Says Out Loud What We All Are Thinking: “Durham [Should] Be Producing Some Fruit of His Labor”

Americans are getting frustrated. For years the Deep State from the Obama Administration has been getting away with criminal acts while those connected to President Trump are set up, framed, lied to, indicted, harassed and imprisoned. Americans want action NOW.

It’s hard to believe that the Durham investigation could not up till today identify any crimes that the Obama and Mueller gangs committed over the past decade. Actually, it’s not possible.

Americans want action. The crimes of the Obama gang are so egregious and yet their coup attempt of the Trump Administration has gone without any prosecutions to date.

Today Senator Chuck Grassley shared what Americans fear:



  1. Hence why people are voting for young republicans that trump did not support...People want them gone. 8 term Incumbent in Colorado got destroyed by a non politician female.

  2. As USUAL. They are dragging this out until President Trump is out of office. They have so much evidence that they don't need to wait for Durham. It's ALL BULLSHIT. In the end nobody will be held accountable. It's EMBARRASSING and telling how INEPT or not wanting to do anything the REPUBLICANS are. The Democrats can spend MILLIONS in three years on a sham. Everyday for ever watching them try to pull off a SHAM. Yet the REPUBLICANS do not an EFFIN THING.

  3. Chuck you haven’t done anything for a long time if ever. Women gave false statements to congress and you did nothing. You all referred to Rod Rostenstien and honorable during lack luster Lindsey Graham show. This is why I’m a proud Independent.


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