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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

US Office of Special Counsel Argues It’s All Right for Government Workers to Promote Black Lives Matter While at Work

The Office of Special Counsel in the US Government has proclaimed that it is alright for US government workers to promote Black Lives Matter in the work place.

The US Office of Special Counsel forwarded an email to government workers addressing concerns about Black Lives Matter:



  1. This is the office that investigates fbi and Jeff Sessions had the up most respect for.

  2. But not all lives? just black ones, wow thats pretty RACIST!!...but black abortions & shooting dont count

  3. This special counsel should be immediately fired!

    Promoting this racist marxist anti-American group has no place in our country let alone in the government.

    BLM needs to be stamped out like any other communist group.

    1. Fundraising org. for the Soros clan and the DNC. Vote RED 2020; (And I'm not talkin' Communist!).

    2. But, we get just the opposite. They are honored by street names etc. Many of my relatives are rolling over in their graves I imagine.

  4. Then its obviously ok to promote ALL LIVES MATTER

  5. Not true. Fake news. Do that and you're fired! Go ahead and try it.

    1. Not allowed to fire negros now or wiggers.

  6. Then it's ok to promote the KKK and white supremacy. Right?????

  7. The only ones outrages are you doofuses who dont read or comprehend that well. The headline told you to be outraged and you follow suit

  8. If you want to know who is behind BLM Google Susan Rosenberg-BLM. A bit of reading will be quite enlightening.

  9. The Federal Government has been promoting and supporting Blacks since the 60s. I know of one organization that has been in existence for years. It 8s called BIG. Blacks in Government. It is supported by the powers to be. Even Congress has a Black Carcaus - very powerful organization. Supporting BLM is no big deal - we whities let it happen.
    I was called every name in the book by a black employee because I asked her to make a copy of a one page item while I was on the phone. My boss needed it while in a meeting. I was told F you - you bitch several times by this employee. I was called on the carpet not her - really no kidding. Government management is afraid of Blacks.

  10. We ALL are Americans.


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