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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Univ. of Wisconsin students want Lincoln statue removed: Sure, he was 'anti-slavery,' but he wasn't 'pro-Black'

A student group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is calling for the school to remove its popular Abraham Lincoln statue, saying the president who is known as the "Great Emancipator" is a symbol of racism.

The statue has sat atop the university's Bascom Hill for more than a century and is a popular backdrop for graduate photos, according to WISC-TV. But students in the university's black student union say that its continued presence on campus ignores the 16th president's stated opinions against racial equality.

"He was also very publicly anti-Black," Nalah McWhorter, the president of UW-Madison's black student union, said. "Just because he was anti-slavery doesn't mean he was pro-black."

"He said a lot in his presidential campaigns. His fourth presidential campaign speech, he said that he believes there should be an inferior and superior, and he believes white people should be the superior race," she added.



  1. Give me a f------ break. Enough of these history geniuses. Go suck your thumb and stew in your bias juices.

  2. You can fix the face.
    You can fix the butt.
    You can't fix STUPID.

  3. EVERYTHING America, and its citizens, and government has done to break the hate from slavery, and to guarantee equal rights and give MINORITIES (regardless of COLOR) an equal opportunity, is being THROWN AWAY, 10's of thousands if WHITES gave their life trying to end slavery, and for what? To accommodate a group of irrational, and apparently un-knowledgeable (from what i've seen) people that hate America! The people at the BLM protest in Idaho yesterday that were protesting AGAINST police, we're holding signs saying ACAB "All cops are bastards"...Do they even know what a bastard is? Thats a mindless statement, but the most IRONIC part is that over 3000 citizens came to support the police, and when these "dillusional" BLM people we're confronted PEACEFULLY, the protestors (some, not all) got violent, and when confronted, THEY called for the COPS to protect them!!! Kinda ironic huh! One black guys argument was (seriously) "There's more whites than blacks"...WHAT? That's his argument?...is he saying eliminate whites? Sure sounds that way! So what do we do now? Is the only "cure" get rid of whites?....seriously...THAT'S the rational he used! It is CRYSTAL CLEAR that the MAJORITY of these people that have come out of the woodwork to "protest" have NO conception of #1 What they're protesting for & #2 How this even started! They're just in it to protest, and unfortunately they've DILUTED any message that truly matters. This is no longer about a "bad cop". It's about BLACK vs WHITE...and that's a VERY dangerous road we're going down! These protestors, celebrities, athletes, corporations, and the MEDIA & ELECTED OFFICIALS should ALL wake up REAL QUICK and STOP pushing this false narrative, because THEY are forcing EVERY American to take sides, and as far as they're concerned, theres only ONE correct side! Using that mindset is making MILLIONS feel threatened that "if" you don't 100% no questions asked agree with them, then they're coming after US. Well, I got news for ya....Ya don't wanna open that box....Once opened, it CAN'T be closed, and EVERY peaceful move forward that we have made will be GONE....FOREVER! Is that what we want??...Not me...but be clear...WE WILL STAND OUR GROUND IF GIVEN NO OTHER CHOICE! Be clear that IF you try to hurt us, or take what WE'VE worked for WE will defend what's ours! IF you try to tear apart our religious institutions, WE will defend them! IF you try taking down the very people that we depend on to protect us and our families, WE will defend them!

  4. The list is almost endless.

    Pres. Washington, Wilson, Jackson, Lincoln, Eisenhower, Nixon, Coolage, Reagan, are all now in some degree "Racist"

    Disney, Dr. Seuss, Mark Twain, Six Flags, to name a few are also "Racist" in something

    The "OK" hand gesture, Thumbs up, and a traditional open palm wave, are now in some people's minds a "Racist" gesture.

    A child wants to be a "Indian Princess" for Halloween, she is "Racist"

    Billy wants to read the adventures of Huck Finn he is a "Racist"

    White teens like to listen to "RAP" and even try it themselves, it is "Cultural Approbation" and "Racist".

    A very religious man says "All of Gods people Matter", he is a "Racist"

    Teachers using letters as Grades is now "Racist"

    Master bedroom, Master Chef, Master Switch, Master Machinist, Master of the Lodge, are a few "Racist" terms.

    Choice of car color, drapes, carpet, and even flowers to grow and plants for the garden are being touted as "Underlying Racism".

    The Boy scouts, and Baden Powell are "Racist".

    Holidays like Columbus day, Thanksgiving, Presidents Day, and Christmas are now "Racists".

    Street names, buildings, and Parks are "Racist".

    The clothing you wear, your hair style, and even the food you might eat can be "Racist".

    American Phrases, and Traditions are now "Racist"

    Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, Pride in your country, and even our flag, are now "Racist"

    Yup, Liberal Democrats have really made America into a different world. One that our grandparents, and founders wouldn't want to be part of, much less recognize.

    1. What is this term racist, prey tell.

  5. send these people back to their parents...useless at best.

  6. Defund colleges and mmake them pay their own way and the problem Will correct itself. The government should not charge people who never went to college for people who don't want to pay for college. It is theft, plain and simple

  7. Brainwashed idiots! All White Cowards!

  8. IF patriots ever really have ever had enough and want to fight back, the media is the place to start. All of the lies and hipe start there. They are in charge of the narrative and the sheep.

    TV introduced the opportunity to influence the masses and lead to the beginning of the Deep State.

    Control the narrative - win the war.

    That's why our rights keep and will continue to evaporate.

  9. I just want to stay American!

  10. WAAAAAA !!!! Can't Change History !!! Be Grateful He FREED YOU !!

    1. 12:18

      Honest Abe lived in the 1800s
      How could he free any present day people from the debt trap of Federal Reserve Banking system?

  11. Black student union tells ya everything you need to know. You think there's a White student union? Fg racist liberal prks don't have a clue...smh..mho

  12. 9:57 AM - Thank you.

    1. You bet. I'm just calling it AS IT IS....I pray for common sense to prevail, but WILL be prepared if it doesen't

  13. Well hell, not everyone is pro black but that doesn't mean you can't get along. So I guess in America if you're not pro black then you are meaningless. So damn ignorant. We are all Americans.

  14. They (POC) complain of anti-black sentiment as they do things to make more people become anti-black.

  15. Obama apparently DOES have a son.

  16. Northwest Woodsman: Imagine if Hitler and Gobbels had the medium of television to spread their propaganda! They were highly successful even before radio became a common household fixture. His rally’s had hundreds of thousands of participants and they were not coerced into attendance like those of Stalin and other communist dictators. They genuinely loved him for reviving Germany from the restrictions from the war and steamrolled the economy, making Germany a viable European country again.

  17. Actually history will say this guy is correct. Lincoln didn't free the slaves because he thought is was the right thing to do.

  18. Northwest Woodsman : From my understanding, Lincoln was part of a group that was considering repatriation of blacks to Africa. Had he not been assassinated and this plan come to fruition, we would be much better off as a country with a homogeneous population but I’m sure that Marxist democrat politicians would have eventually screwed it up and, pandering for votes, would have brought in third world dregs as they seem so fond of doing.


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