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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Trump Vindicated? New Peer-Reviewed Hydroxychloroquine Study Shows Reduced COVID-19 Mortality

A new large-scale study conducted by the Henry Ford Health System concluded that hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug touted by Trump as a potentially game-changing treatment for the coronavirus, successfully lowered mortality rates for hospitalized coronavirus patients. The results were published Thursday in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Just The News reported on its findings:

The study examined 2,541 patients who had been hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2, 2020.

More than twenty-six percent (26.4%) of patients who did not receive hydroxychloroquine died.

But among those who received hydroxychloroquine, fewer than half that number — 13% — died.

More than 90% of the patients received hydroxychloroquine within 48 hours of admission to the hospital. Scientists say giving the drug early during illness may be a key to success.

The study also determined that there were no adverse effects on the heart, despite previous reports.

Will the mainstream media give this study the attention it deserves? I bet they won’t.

Hydroxychloroquine had several success stories ignored by the mainstream media


  1. YES; Trump KNEW from the beginning this drug and drug combination would work!!!

  2. Of course the Dems just made a treatment for a national emergency political. They just wanted our President to be wrong about everything. They actually made it hard to get lifesaving treatment to innocent American patients. This is a despicable way to treat the American people they are suppose to be serving.


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