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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Trump Slams De Blasio's Call To Paint "Symbol Of Hate" BLM Sign On NYC's 5th Avenue

We suspect this will turn up the outrage mob to '11' on the Spinal Tap amplifier of "see, he is hitler"-ism.

In two tweets this morning, President Trump slammed New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan to paint a Black Lives Matter mural on the street outside Trump Tower, saying the effort will antagonize police and will be “denigrating this luxury Avenue.”

“Maybe our GREAT Police, who have been neutralized and scorned by a mayor who hates & disrespects them,won’t let this symbol of hate be affixed to New York’s greatest street,” Trump tweeted.

“Spend this money fighting crime instead!”

The New York City mayor discussed his plan Tuesday morning during an appearance on MSNBC, saying that he plans to paint the area along 5th Avenue between 56th and 57th streets.



  1. Is DeBlasio willing to paint it on the sides, roof, hood and of his limousine in three foot letters?

  2. DeBozio will go down as the worst Mayor in history for any city.

  3. F - BLM they don't represent the blacks

  4. Trump said it would "denigrate a luxury avenue." That worries him more than hate speech. He does not have a problem with hate speech. He is a true man of the people--if those people have property on luxury avenues.

    1. 1241 you start the trolling. I find it fascinating!


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