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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Trump orders 150 federal agents into Chicago despite city's mayor Lori Lightfoot rejecting it as 'unconstitutional conduct' amid accusations of 'secret police' tactics in Portland

The White House cast aside protests from local government officials Tuesday about the deployment of armed federal officers to quell protests inside cities that say they don't want assistance as President Trump demands 'law and order.'

The administration is planning to send 150 federal agents to combat violence in Chicago, but for now is not saying which agency they will come from or what their mission will be.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany provided a legal justification for sending Homeland Security officials to Portland, pointing to a statute that allows the feds to deputize officials to protect federal property, following a clash at a federal courthouse in Portland.



  1. I am conservative

    Mr Trump seems oblivious to the history of US politics regarding State’s Rights and Authority.

    The US should not have a Federal Police Force
    That would not be Constitutional in my opinion

    The States should be getting pressure right now from their citizens to protect property. This is a matter for State oversight. Not Federal.

    1. States are standing down, not protecting its citizens or property 4:09

  2. Like to see double 300 secret police. This is America, not a third world country so far and let’s keep it great.

  3. Not big on the protests but the Mom's with Leaf Blowers blowing the tear gas back on them did give me a chuckle.

  4. If the local officials aren’t going to protect the federal properties in their locale then by all means he’s in his rights to preserve federal property.

  5. Come on really the daily mail,,ugghhh the most liberal piece of crap out there. I wanna know who's paying those moms. They obviously don't have jobs if they have time to riot

  6. I am starting to change my stance on abortion..to bad they dont practice what they preach

  7. 4:09

    Tell that to Abe Lincoln!

    1. 👍Thank you! Abe did declare martial law during his presidency but more focus tends to be on his freeing slaves.

  8. Lightfoot appears to be an old crack head anyway. That women looks like she is ready to fall over. 4:09 get back to whatever it is you do for a living. Leave the clean up to those who care about this country. You are the very type that starts crying when they are destroying your home. You do not deserve the police to help your libtard ass. You sound like one of those everybody gets a trophy type. Thank goodness because I guarantee if you have a child they are a pure puss. Little libtards grow up to be big Libtards.

  9. "Secret police"? Show us!

  10. No one agrees with getting help to stop the madness until it's your house they burn down. Please wake up!!! Why is this happening now? Why so close to an election. Why is it where the Democrats are in charge (that don't support Trump) towns? Look into Soros. Look into Black lives matters and who started it and funded it. This country will cease to exist as we have known it in Nov if Biden wins. Biden. That is their best person? How can people not see this?!

  11. Nohi g secret about it and the President has the right to protect federal property😊 all the citizens who have lost businesses and lives from all this peaceful protesting are suppose to be protected by their Governors and Mayors.

  12. There are a lot of citizens that will feel safer tonight.
    Thanks Trump!
    Doing the job protecting Americans Democrats refuse to do.


  13. Citizens and business owners of every sort should be up in figurative arms over the failure of mayors and police chiefs to protect their neighborhoods and businesses. Under some circumstances Federal action may be legal and justified.

    The issue regarding protection of Federal employees and properties is clear cut. The Feds have that authority from the get-go.

    The overwrought language from the flaccid Democrats at all levels deserves only scorn. Notice how quickly their tune changes when the rioters are outside their homes?

  14. Would be great to see twice that many! The place is a mess....I bet property owners and people living there are glad to see them!!!

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Clear the streets with APCs and .50 Cal Brownings. One such sweep would send a message and put an end to marauders. Since they have an inability to foresee the consequences of their actions, threats of the criminal justice system are of no use. The only thing they truly understand would be pain and if the consequences of their activities resulted in severe pain and destruction of whatever is important to them, the behavior would cease. Granting concessions and continuing to cater to their demands is a totally failed policy. Hopefully, they will be stupid enough to challenge federal forces and will learn from the experience if they survive.

  16. Most of the violence in Chicago is gang related. Gang members have very little regard for human life, including their own. They are also armed to the teeth. The feds coming in may be heavily armed, but they are not trained in urban conflict and guerilla tactics which they will most surely come up against. Furthermore, the gangs know the terrain like the back of their hand. I don't see this going very well for the feds.


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