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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Trump may intervene in case of St. Louis couple wielding guns at protesters, Missouri governor said

The couple said they feared protesters would 'kill us'

The governor of Missouri says President Trump has promised to "do everything he could within his powers" to shield a St. Louis couple who wielded guns at protesters in their gated community from prosecution, even as an attorney for the client says charges are imminent.

Gov. Mike Parson said he spoke to Trump Tuesday and was reassured that the president-- who previously has retweeted a photo of the couple, Mark and Patricia McCloskey holding up guns in front of their house in the June 28 incident--"understands the situation in Missouri."


  1. That is a man who clearly upholds property rights. He has stripped more of your 2A than Obama ever did but at least he draws the line here.

  2. 9:34 - How do you figure that he has stripped our 2nd amendment rights?

  3. What the hell you smoking 934,YET Rioters guarding statues with automatic weapons from the BLM.. .CRICKETS!

  4. He cant do anything - the last 4 years the Demoncraps have done nothing but fought him the whole time. We accomplished little from the Demoncraps - all from Trump. WAKE UP PEOPLE - Liberal and Demoncrpas are killing us.


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