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Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Trump Administration Officially Withdraws U.S. from World Health Organization

The Trump administration has formally withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), as the United Nations-backed agency continues to face fierce criticism over its response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, according to Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ).

Menendez, the ranking member on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote on Twitter that the Trump administration has pulled out from the WHO.

Menendez wrote:

Congress received notification that POTUS officially withdrew the U.S. from the @WHO in the midst of a pandemic. To call Trump’s response to COVID chaotic & incoherent doesn’t do it justice. This won’t protect American lives or interests—it leaves Americans sick & America alone.

Congress received notification that POTUS officially withdrew the U.S. from the @WHO in the midst of a pandemic.

To call Trump’s response to COVID chaotic & incoherent doesn't do it justice. This won't protect American lives or interests—it leaves Americans sick & America alone.

— Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) July 7, 2020

In May, President Donald Trump announced that the US. would end ties with the WHO, citing the “malfeasance” of China, whom he accused of orchestrating a “coverup” regarding the origins of the coronavirus.

“China has total control over the World Health Organization despite only paying $40 million per year compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $450 million a year,” the president noted at the time.



  1. Big deal - effective July 2021

    Such bullshit

    1. Don’t worry! Mike’s in charge. And the numbers speak for themselves.

  2. I was a trump supporter for years but I'm starting to give up on him. Don't want to see Biden or Trump in the Whitehouse guess I won't be voting this year.

    1. Smart, very smart indeed. I guess that's we all should do.

  3. Excellent. No more funding useless agencies. Next start withdrawing all funding of the worlds various welfare states that leech from America and give nothing back, pointless military protections, and every other NOT self serving aspect to America's foreign policy. FTW from here on out. We owe no one anything.

  4. If you choose not to choose, have you made a choice? One will be in the WH, regardless of one vote.

  5. It's time to get the UN OUT OF THE UNITED STATES. They ALL hate us. So put it in Irag or south AMERICA.

  6. The world owes us a lot! A whole lot!

    1. 1:49

      Who are you talking about?
      Why does the world owe you something?
      It doesn’t owe me anything.


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