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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

There is an appalling lack of leadership in Ocean City

Although it is difficult to balance health versus wealth, a reasonable and prudent person should have known that opening a vacation destination would only lead to an increase of COVID-19 positive cases (”Coronavirus cases climb near Ocean City, as restaurants shutter due to employees testing positive,” July 22).

Whether it was pressure from business interests, or worry of reduced fiscal revenues, the Ocean City government decided to pursue the shaky path to wealth.

Based on the July 21 COVID-19 updates, in the 8 weeks since approximately May 25, Ocean City’s positive COVID-19 case number has risen from 15 to 113. This is 7.53 times the original number; an increase of 653% positive cases.

Leadership? Would a reasonable and prudent person expect vacationers to read and follow the stenciled sidewalk graphics to proceed at your own risk (to paraphrase those graphics approaching the boardwalk?) Would a reasonable and prudent person expect vacationers to adhere to the temporary electronic signs encouraging visitors to wear face coverings and practice social distancing?



  1. No shit! Is it because the turn a blind eye and deaf ear towards violations that endanger the public?

  2. Cases schmases! The writer should just stay home for the rest of its life.

  3. It's a virus. The number will go up either way. We are testing more. The numbers will go up with more testing. I don't understand what people want. We can not keep business closed forever. We need some kind of immunity. What are the answers? To be honest, if covid was as contagious as they say it is. I'm surprised the numbers are that low. The numbers should be much, much higher. Why is it in a household But one of three get it? They sleep in the same bed together. Yet one gets it the other doesn't. I don't have the answers and I know covid can be very dangerous. But we can't all stay home for months and months. Who will pay the bills?

  4. I take issue with this statement. "Whether it was pressure from business interests, or worry of reduced fiscal revenues, the Ocean City government decided to pursue the shaky path to wealth."
    It isn't necessarily a path to wealth that they took but rather it was a dirt road to avoid financial desperation.
    Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

  5. This is a post based strictly on emotion. This is not a deadly virus. Can people die? 250,000 deaths a year from medical mistakes. please stop with all the hysteria. your risk in this world will never be zero. Ocean City has to open or others will die anyway. Suicides and overdoses have already surpassed covid deaths in most places. The important question is deaths and hospitalizations or people in ICU. 113 cases is literally nothing and I bet most survived, some may not have even know they had it. We have got to stop with this wall to wall hysteria and belief that somehow government is going to fix this in anyway.

  6. Why write up violations for the public when it's these idiots that run around with no masks on

  7. There are reports of fishermen going to sea for 35 days after testing negative.
    When they return they all test positive for Coronavirus.

    Is it being sprayed from jets?
    Is it simply the common cold virus being tested?

    The bottom line: The government is using the event to enforce draconian measures of control over populations. The job of government in this case (assuming they did not release a bioweapon on the population) is to educate people. The People need to decide how to handle the risk. If they are afraid, stay home. IF they are not afraid go out without a mask.

    The masks pose a serious risk to the wearer, while doing nothing to prevent the spread of the virus. The government told the population this fact early on and then tried to walk it back. Too late. Many many of us no longer trust the government or its propaganda organ, MSM.

    Lying is the problem.
    Once they lied to the population, they lost all credibility.
    Now it is everyone for himself.

    Live free or die a slave.
    We have a minimum inalienable right to breathe fresh air regardless of the dangers.

  8. Take a number. There is an appalling lack of leadership in Wicomico County and Salisbury.

  9. Cases mean NOTHING!

  10. The writer of this article is a hysterical person that should stay home for the rest of their life. These people have mental disorders.

  11. Rickie - hahahahaha...who's cornflakes did you piss on in B'more?

    Ch2? Ch13? since neither are on Comcast Cable anymore (Ch11 still is as well as Ch5 from DC)

    Counting the remaining days of Summer Rickie? C U at White Marlin!!!!

    By the bye 211pm - Wicomico AND Da"bury take up the rear when it comes to problemo's. OC is numero uno AND MD's prize child which Annapolis keeps a wee eye on. $$$$$$$$ whereas Wicomico/Da'bury is just a pass through to get to OC for everyone. Hence the by-pass decades ago - removing the need to come thru downtown.

    1. 3:11
      Thanks for commenting Amigo

  12. When will you guys get it? This is a virus , get on with your life and stop worrying about this so called virus that is blown way out of proportion . Just forget about it , we have doctors to fix us and nurses to treat us , life is good so just forget this virus and get it on .

  13. OC officials are to busy trying to keep topless women off the beach. You know how dangerous topless women are, much worse than any virus. Maybe they need more signs warning of the possibility of spotting a topless sun bather.

  14. 357 - HAHAHAHAHAHA... Yep Yep!!!!

    Dont forget about pounding one's chest for recycled ciggy butts into benches!!!


    (definitely sarcasm ON!)

  15. Just compare OC to Rehobeth. Rehobeth is able to continue services to its residents and visitors. OC transportation is run by elected committees and only keeps transportation to justify it's employees needs. I mean, they have MORE managers than they do employed Transportation employees. No Tram. No Shuttle. I used to be one of OC's employees but I've moved on. Working for that Town sucks!

  16. Leadership? Has the Worcester County Health Department prepared a plan to protect the citizens? Have the Worcester County Commissioners enacted a plan of protection? I don’t know. What I do know is that on April 30, the Berlin/Ocean Pines, 21811 ZIP code, COVID-19 case number was 29. It is now 187; this is 6.45 times that number; an increase of 545% positive cases.

    The citizens deserve more!


    J.O. Kayler, Bishopville


    So is this CLOWN ragging on Ocean City's leadership or Worcester County's leadership? What an asshat.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Take a number. There is an appalling lack of leadership in Wicomico County and Salisbury.

    July 29, 2020 at 2:21 PM

    I see you are still butthurt, you little Coward.

  18. There’s an appalling lack of leadership in this country. Smh

  19. “Based on the July 21 COVID-19 updates, in the 8 weeks since approximately May 25, Ocean City’s positive COVID-19 case number has risen from 15 to 113. This is 7.53 times the original number; an increase of 653% positive cases.“ in that same time frame Ocean City’s population increased from 10,000 people to 200,000 of course the numbers went up. We went from small town to second largest city in the state in those two months. More people- more cases.

  20. Virus ? The only virus I see is the demo-virus 2020 , you people amaze me , this is nothing more than a virus with flue symptoms , get over it .Go back to work people and ignore all the BS.

  21. Yes. A reasonable person would expect these things. Even from unreasonable people.


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