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Friday, July 17, 2020

The stone-cold facts on Stone's commutation

Exclusive: Lt. Col. James Zumwalt ID's the typical Trump-bashers who stayed quiet on action

Unlike the mainstream media, which failed to provide one, a fair analysis of President Donald Trump's commutation of his longtime political adviser Roger Stone, convictedon seven felonious counts and sentenced to 40 months in prison, demands viewing from three perspectives. While the first is whether it is justified, also of import are two other telling perspectives – the motivation of those criticizing the move and the silence of those normally more vocal in their criticism.

Justification for Commutation:

Concerning justification, the scales of justice for Stone were far from level. He was immediately caught up in traversing a liberal minefield. The basis for the underlying investigation was a false narrative, emanating from the Steele Dossier – a documentinitiated at the request of Hillary Clinton to find dirt on Trump and later paid for by both her and the Democratic National Committee. The gist of the dossier was that Trump was colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. A recentruling in a British court involving a lawsuit against the Steele Dossier author affirms the report's ultimate client was Clinton's campaign.



  1. STFU would you all trump did was do this to piss off the media and the dems who did illegal things during this trial and prosecution!!!! Stone is still a criminal in the justice system and will still have a record and this does not say he is innocent, it was done becasue Trump felt he was unfairly prosecuted the way it all went down...

    1. Let me see - how many Democrats not only lied yo Congress but worked a coup that failed and they are still free - why is that? You know who they are. Get real.

  2. If Joe Biden is elected to the presidency, none of these traitorous actors will ever be held accountable for their actions. The time for the continuation of a political party that thrives on such poverty of spirit and absence of conscience must come to a close, at least until its ranks are cleansed of these and others who seek power at any cost, not to except even murder and wrongful prosecution of political foes and their supporters. There is no room in our government for perennial thieves, liars and those who would trample the Constitution and the rights of The People held therein.

    Donald Trump in 2020, please.

  3. The dumbocrats and their willing allies in the swamp never hesitate to put their political opponents in jail.

    There is example after example of persecution and prosecution by the left.

  4. He was convicted of 7 felonies.

  5. Yet the Democrats that has done the same thing have not been charged with any crimes at all. NOW WHY DO YOU SUPPOSE THAT IS??????????????


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