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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Teachers unions have abandoned our students by blocking reopening

Los Angeles County, the nation’s second-largest school district, announced this week that students will not be returning for in-person classes this fall and must instead continue to participate in the failed distance-learning experiment it initiated after the onset of COVID-19.

This decision was made not by the parents or the schools but by the teachers union, which has opposed all attempts to reopen the county’s schools.

United Teachers Los Angeles, which represents more than 35,000 teachers in the area, argued at first that the health of its members and the students they teach was the primary concern. How, they asked, would the schools be cleaned regularly with so many different people entering and exiting at all times of the day? And is it even possible for schools to enforce social distancing among young students?



  1. Is there something truly wrong with erring on the side of caution given time constraints?

    Especially since most school districts haven't done much with preparing learning objectives for the fall season. Online, vs face to face and all the ramifications (UNKNOWNS) with that.

    I'm looking at it from a no win scenario for everyone. Damned if you do, damned if you don't since FEELINGS drive everything today.

    Science/facts have been thrown out since its all about personal FEELINGS.

  2. You people are pieces of shit for writing and spreading headlines like this. Teachers are on the front lines, NOT YOU. Yes, you may disagree with their position. Yes, you have a right to voice your opinion, no matter how uninformed. But how the hell do you get off accusing the very people who have dedicated their careers to educating children, despite the long hours and low pay, of "abandoning" the kids just because they have taken a stance. Do you clowns ever stop to think that just maybe, no matter what the topic is, the people on the front lines who are dedicated to doing the work may know just a bit more than you do sitting back in mommy's basement typing away? Do your country a huge service and SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE. You add NOTHING to these conversations. Let the adults in the room make the decision. Go back to swilling your Bud.

    1. Well if you're not teaching shut your pie hole. Why are my taxes paying you to stay home

    2. 738 thank you for opening your pie hole and verifying that you are indeed an idiot

  3. Good for the children
    School is a terrible place to spend one’s time

  4. No class room no teachers - period. Remember when President Reagan told air traffic controllers union to go back to work or be fired. Guest what he fired those that did not go back to work - period. I know for a fact it happened - my friend lost his job permanently. One way to fix this problem with teachers union.

    1. So right. Then you can go teach right? So stupid.

  5. Teacerss Unions abandoned us long ago. Their taking the knee to socialism should have been a big hint, but no one complained.

  6. Cuba, Russia, Iran, China and so many more.

  7. No school, no pay. It's that simple. Then tax payers should get a tax cut.

  8. Under President Reagan the Air Traffic Controllers Union thought they could bring the nations to it's knees by going on strike. President Reagan fired them and they were begging to get their jobs back. Teacher's Union watch out. Jon E. Jrr.

    1. This has nothing to do with teachers. Nothing.

  9. Unions have outlived their usefulness!
    They are now leeches on the people they are supposed to help! They funnel money to the dumbocrats to keep their control!

  10. do not pay them.

  11. The Association of American Educators is a national organization that teachers can join that will provide legal protection without pandering to socialists. It's also significantly less expensive.

  12. Unions are communist organizations.

    Teachers nowadays are more concerned about their union than the kids.

    Teachers and their union has failed us miserably in the current generation of graduates that tear down WWII statues.

  13. Teachers NO longer respected because they chose the Union over the students, they allowed the U.N. Master Plan then Common Core to be used in the schools knowing full well it was dumbing down students, failing our students miserably...shame on them.

    Don't pay them. CUT MY taxes and let me help my grands with Home School or Private School.

    1. Homeschool. Stop the crying. You failed your kid not the school and not the teacher.

  14. Low pay?
    You are one of the best paid in the County if not the state!

    Your the piece shit.
    Get off your collective asses and open the schools!

    You certainly tax us enough for your failed liberal policies!

  15. Time to DEFUND PUBLIC EDUCATION, or re distribute as vouchers.

  16. Wow 238 tell us how you really "FEEL", all educated and such.

    You are the one reading this AND chose your professional with teaching on the eastern shore - not us!

    If you don't like something, lead rather than follow.

    Make a difference now before the next gen run you out or worse - hurt your FEELINGS.

  17. Put them out of business. Home school or private school your kids. PUT THESE SO CALLED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OUT OF BUSINESS.

  18. 2:38 PM Lay Down and take your medicine! Evidently you have been off of your meds!

  19. Somebody said Teachers are on the front lines? What front lines DumbAss since school has been out for months!!! Get rid of your asses is what needs to be done and you are No longer needed!! Front line that!!!

  20. No teachers, No pay is what I say! Saving alot of money with this Pandemic!

  21. Where can I find a job that I can sit at home all day and never have to go to work and still get full pay with full health benefits? Yes, a teaching job!! Guess I chose the wrong career because I actually have to work to make money and if I don't work, I don't get paid. With that, if they are not working then I feel as though I should not be paying so much in taxes especially since so much of my hard earned money was spent on both Bennett Senior and Bennett Middle and now both buildings are just sitting empty.

  22. 1058 you people are upset because you have ZERO understanding of the facts.

    921 you doof, the teachers are STILL WORKING!!! They sent folks home but teachers are the ones that scrambled to develop virtual lesson plans doing the school year. They are still working to teach kids this summer as well as plan for the school year. You must be the same person as 1058 as you clearly show you are spouting about a topic you know NOTHING about.

    NO I am NOT a teacher. You see, when you actually care to go find information and gain a better understanding, you learn a few things so that you can actually speak intelligently on a topic.


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