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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Subject: Clueless: Portland Mayor Blames Trump for 'Escalating' Antifa and BLM Riots

For 46 nights, downtown Portland has been the scene out of a post-apocalyptic graphic novel with shadowy black-clad, tattooed antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters taking hammers and skateboards to bash-in the windows of banks, public buildings, and the heads of federal officers. But now the Portland mayor says the riots are President Trump’s fault.

The Mark O. Hatfield Justice Center, Portland’s federal courthouse, has been under siegenearly every night by rioters attempting to bash in the doors, set fires, and loot it.

President Trump sent in extra federal agents to defend the building.

The Portland Police Officers Association, which itself has become a target for antifa, has issued a no-confidence vote in political Portland.

An exasperated Portland police union President Daryl Turner said in a news conference, “I have no confidence that city council will stand up for all of Portland. I have no confidence that the city will stop the rioting and the looting and protect the safety and livelihood of Portlanders.”



  1. Wheeler is a freaking idiot. The commie Soros bastards are setting up a new "autonomous" zone called CLAT as I type this. Could get even uglier than Seattle.

  2. The President has an obligation to protect federal assets, including buildings, from being destroyed. Hats off to him and the officers who stood their ground.

    1. 1:37
      Except they didn’t stand their ground.
      They stood down and allowed the intelligence assets to destroy property.

  3. These Freaking dumocrats are UNBELIEVABLE. Never taking responsibility for what they do.

  4. Why wouldn’t it be Trumps fault. My car wouldn’t start last week and I called service. They axed what was wrong with it. I replied how the heck do I know. Ass Donald J Trump, it probably his fault like everything. Lol Go Trump!

  5. Trump should send in the troops
    Then the witch has a reason to use his name.

  6. No one entered the building to do damage.


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