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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

South Africa farm slaughter: Woman and her elderly parents are kidnapped from their property and brutally murdered in latest attack to shock the country

Three members of the same family were kidnapped in a horrific attack on a farm in South Africa then driven out into the wilds in their own cars to be be brutally slaughtered.

Daniel Brand, 82, his wife Hybrecht, 73, and their daughter Elizabeth, 53, went missing from their rural home near Hartswater in the Northern Province on Sunday night.

Elizabeth, known by her nickname Elzabie, had been visiting for Sunday lunch - but her body was found on Tuesday morning by a drone operator.



  1. More black on white crime!

  2. I doubt that it shocked the country. It only shocked the whites. All whites in S. Africa should leave while they can. It is not worth staying there.

  3. God's revenge is happening. White people did this to the natives to steal their land. White people never belonged in South Africa or America, it was never their land. Europe is the land of white people and now karma is being executed. You cannot do wrong and think it won't come back to you. If it doesn't hit you it will hit the generations to come. Look for this to start happening throughout the world as we approach the last days.

    1. Again nobody here today has ever owned slaves and never were slaves. If what your saying is correct then blacks shouldn’t be here either since they are from Africa and that is the land of the blacks? Kind of racist wouldn’t you say unless it’s ok because you are of color and racism don’t apply to you? Also what about what the anarchists are doing now ? Does that mean karma will someday get them back for what they are doing? White people arent really bad people that’s just what people of color are taught and brainwashed into for political reasons. So what I’m saying is you are being used as political pawns to fit the lefts agenda because that’s what they do. They surround theirselves with hate and it’s only a one way street. So maybe everyone should grow up and stop the revenge back and forth and things can really change. When they are out here terrorizing cities and raising hell and causing destruction it’s kinda of hard to get people of another race to trust them or like them and then you find your self in a vicious cycle that will never end. See how easy it is to use your brain and not the hate that the left has pounded into your brains. When liberal ideology is repeated back to you it kind of starts to sound irrational doesn’t it ? Want change ? Keep the man that’s our President I’m office he’s trying to make a difference and the left fights him tooth and nail because they don’t want peace and want to keep you under their control.

  4. @10:38 I feel sorry for you when God's revenge hits you! Judgement is for the lord only! Not for you to judge or question! Test of compassion maybe? If it is you FAILED!!!!!!!!

    1. 11:50— If, as you say “judgement is for the lord only,” then why are you judging them?. Seems a bit hypocritical and that is my judgement on this...


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