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Thursday, July 09, 2020

SICK. Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo Mock Rising Violence, Shootings and Deaths in Democrat-Run Cities

In the last six weeks six Democrat-led cities accounted for 600 violent deaths.

After explaining that the coronavirus and the economy were not the most pressing issues in the US today, Kevin McCullough at Townhall reported earlier this week in an op-ed on this horrific trend in America’s cities:

The single most important issue, affecting some of the largest swaths of populations in America, is the scandal the media ignores even as it explodes in our faces.

In only six weeks, city after city operated by entrenched Democrats have seen a massive expansion in lawlessness, violence, and murder. Stunningly, many news outlets seem gobsmacked and mystified at how or why such an explosion of lawlessness has occurred.



  1. A few people did something.

  2. Who is don lemon? Is he a reporter or something? (Snicker)

  3. who cares, kinda like when the mob kills each other. they dont care about their lives so why should we?

  4. Frankly, maybe Cuomo and Le'mon should mingle with the "mob", then report back to us.

  5. Didn’t read past the two names. Not worth my time and I’m retired doing nothing.

  6. Does destroying America come to mind?

  7. Why doesn't SBY News allow colorful streams of profanity? Because those types of words are the only ones which can accurately depict what these two foul-smelling, foul-souled toilet-bowl-eruptions really are.


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