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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Secret Service Provided Hunter Biden Protection on More Than 400 Flights

The Secret Service provided protection for Hunter Biden, the youngest son of former Vice President Joe Biden, on more than 400 flights, according to newly released records from the Obama administration.

The documents, which were received through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative-leaning group Judicial Watch, indicate the younger Biden took 411 domestic and international flights upon which the federal government provided security between June 2009 and May 2014. Listed among the destinations were 29 foreign countries, including five visits to China alone between 2009 and 2014.



  1. Ya ain't seen nothin' yet!

  2. Fair enough. Where are the numbers for the Trump Kids and their families?

    1. whaaAaa Whaaaaa.... go back to mommys basement 1212pm

      Trump is going to win big in 2020

    2. Here we go with the trolling again.

    3. They pay their owe way because they are not entitled low life.

    4. And they got their own jet!

  3. BILL the bastards for ALL of it !!! Stealing Our Taxpayer $$$$$$ !!!

  4. Just no words, America is a great country but all of those who are so corrupt make it seem so dirty. Shame on them and may they rot and burn in Hell.

  5. Yea and it wasn't like he wasn't making any money either correct?
    Just like he couldn't even make ends meet like the rest of us working folks

  6. He needs to be cut off. 12:12 you libtards can not comprehend the party is over. Trump will win again by a landslide. Trump does not even take a pay check. Keep living the lie lol.

  7. The time when civil servants became above the law is when this country was lost.

  8. and what about the Obamas

  9. Trump is president............Biden was not.

  10. Trump's kids fly commercial, like the rest of us.

  11. Its too bad they didn't lend him a condom, then he wouldn't have knocked up the stripper LOL!

  12. Flying all over the world , incl Ukraine where He got Illegal Millions !!!!

    Make them Pay Taxpayers Back !!!

  13. So do you doofs really believe that past POTUS and VP children didn't have SS protection????

  14. 12:12 Trumps family flies coach without secret service most of the time even when they are conducting official US business.

    Hunter Biden was not conducting official US business. Hunter should be made to reimburse all expenses occurred for himself when flying on government planes along with all security provided.

    Michele Obama should have to reimburse all expenses transportation and security she occurred when she flew all over the world and several times to Africa wither whole family, kids, Mother, Aunts and who ever else who wanted to go.

    Nancy Pelosi should have to reimburse all expenses for when she traveled all over the world with her husband and family including having them with her traveling from DC and California.

  15. Biden said he flew only twice? Biden is a lie machine.

  16. The Obamas flew in one jet, the kids in another jet, the dog in another jet and the mother-in-law in yet another jet. Back and forth to Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, any fun place they wanted to go, but they couldn;t all go in one jet. I can;'t blame them for not wanting to be that close to each other.


  17. 12:12 The more apt comparison would be to travel by VP Pence's kids. I believe his son is still active duty military so expect some gov't expense there, probably unaccompanied. Other kids? No clue.

    Too bad SS couldn't stay close enough to Hunter to keep his nose drug free; he was obviously appointed a naval reserve officer to bolster his resume for some political job in Delaware. He deserves both pity and ridicule. Pity because his old man never let him win or lose on his merits; ridicule needs no explanation. Yale Law grad so if Joe wins he gets RBG's job, or head of DEA.

  18. 412 its a shame you guys have to tell all out lies to try to prove your point. Too funny LOL


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